Opinion (Rogério COPETO / Official GNR): SEXUAL ABUSE CHILD.
The article (artº) 171º do Penal Code (CP) entitled "Child sexual abuse"Determines a prison sentence 1 a 8 years "Whoever commits sexual intercourse with relief or minor 14 year old, or to take him to practice it with another person".
Lieutenant Colonel of the GNR, Master in Law and Security and Homeland Security Auditor
Head of the Education Division / Command Doctrine and Training
The CP provides in Clauses 171 to 176 all ducts, that they are subject to punishment when committed against sexual freedom and self-determination of minors, Article 171 being the aforementioned "Child sexual abuse", the Article 172 "Thebuso sexual de menores dependentes", the artº 173 "Sexual acts with teenager", the artº 174 "Use of child prostitution", the artº 175 "Pimping of minors"And artº 176"Child Pornography".
The existence of laws providing penalties for practices of certain conduct, It has only aim to punish people who practice, but also the objective to deter the practice of, as well as the punishment has not only as a justification to punish those who practice, but also cause the blame for the practice of conduct reflect on your self and not returning to commit.
So, the main function of the CP is to prevent the commission of the crimes set forth herein, this being also the first obligation of a society that cares about protecting the most vulnerable, such as children and young people, especially against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of minors, therefore must first prevent the commission of such conduct.
That is why, this year for the first time, It was marked on 18 November, O "European Day for the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse", in compliance with "European Council's Convention for the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse the"Name of"Lanzarote Convention".
As part of the celebrations of "European Day for the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse", They were held throughout the country a number of initiatives, institutions to support childhood and youth, directed especially to children and young people, but also for educators and professionals, in order to sensitize and inform the community of this issue, which also affects our children and young people, which is not a problem only of the least developed countries.
As an example of this reality, which also affects the, several were the Social Communication organs that gave echo to the problem, through a set of news, and leave us worried, concluding that there is still much to do, to ensure that all children and young people see their rights satisfied.
The first news realized that "in 2014 It was recorded approximately 1.011 cases of sexual abuse of children, adolescents and dependent children, the age group of 8 to 13 years the most affected ", having already been made this year 44 Defendants, 37 which men, for sexual crimes against children through the Internet and electronic means.
Another news stated that the Institute of Child Support She received between 2010 and 2014, through No. 116 000 (SOS Children), next to 300 calls related to alleged sexual abuse, and on the same subject, another news realized that "the Amadora-Sintra Hospital, between 5% and 10% child victims of physical and sexual abuse are hospitalized, days or even months, after high clinical, waiting for them to decide the future ".
But the bad news does not come only from Portugal and one final news stated that in Europe one in five children is a victim of some form of sexual violence, It is the abuser in 85% of cases where someone whom the child trusts.
All these reports have confirmed the need for the formalization of that "Lanzarote Convention", they all constitute, a serious violation of children's rights, whose "Universal Day of Children's Rights", It was also marked last week, in commemoration of the promulgation of "Universal Convention on the Rights of the Child"UN on 20 November 1989.
GNR also joined the two events and so held between 18 and 20 de novembro a “Safety Growing Operation"In order to warn the entire school community to children's rights and issues of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse committed against children, elapsing said operation throughout the national territory, the same being developed by the military of the Special Program Sections.
A “Safety Growing Operation"Conducted by the GNR had the partnership of schools and childcare institutions and youth, to cover the largest possible number of children and educators, and to this end proceeded to disclosure of a video, the responsibility of Strategy and Planning Office, the Ministry of Solidarity, Employment and Social Security, that in a simple way explains to children, there are places on your body where no adult can mess.
With the same goal was the so-called information campaign yet disclosed "Here nobody touches", European Council's responsibility, in order to promote among all parents, the need to explain to their children, the rule that no one can touch, in the locations covered by the lingerie.
All these campaigns aim to inform and educate all children, to know their rights and to be the first to report, all situations that cause you discomfort and that are caused by adults, because only in this way can ensure that all children see their rights guaranteed.