A sigla VERLT significa “Violent Extremism and Radicalisation Leading to Terrorism”, and with this article we intend to make known what good practice under the Policing Proximity / Community to combat radicalization leading to the adoption of ideologies based on violent extremism, As or terrorism.
Lieutenant Colonel of the GNR
Master in Law and Security and Homeland Security Auditor
Head of the Education Division / Command Doctrine and Training
The OSCE Document (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe), entitled "Countering Violent Extremism and Radicalisation that Lead to Terrorism: Ideas, Recommendations, and Good Practices from the OSCE Region", dated 28 September 2017 and by Professor Peter R. Neumann, do International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation, do King’s College London, It contains 22 case studies and best practices, on several areas, It is our intention to inform those who report the Proximity / Community Policing, whose issue was previously addressed, also by OSCE, not document entitled "Preventing Terrorism and Countering Violent Extremism and Radicalization that Lead to Terrorism: A Community-Policing Approach", dated February 2014.
So, with regard to the activities developed by Security Forces (FS), as is the case of the GNR and PSP, as primarily responsible for combating terrorism, Policing Proximity / Community developed by both FS can contribute positively to combat radicalization leading to the adoption of ideologies based on violent extremism, As or terrorism, in our country.
The OSCE defines radicalization as a process through which individuals or groups go through a psychological change that leads to the support of political ideologies, social and extreme religious and that alone can not be considered a threat to society, It may even be a beneficial force for change, such as activists for human rights and the abolition of slavery, It can only be treated as an unauthorized or illegal act, when radicalization turns violent.
On the other hand, violent extremism is the assumption and defense of beliefs, attitudes, political or feelings that are not considered to be accepted by a majority of society and to advocate the illegitimate use of force.
Having regard to the foregoing, namely that radicalization should not be treated as an illicit or illegal act, it is concluded that the FS through the Policing Proximity / Community have at their disposal one of the most effective ways to counter violent extremism, given that this type of policing aims to make communities safer, contributing to the FS are seen as authority figures next, that appear whenever there are problems, doing so the communities they serve, building relationships and thus gaining the trust of all citizens.
This type of policing is particularly important in communities that traditionally are more resistant and distrustful of state authority, the expected results, the implementation of Proximity / Community Policing, They are greater resilience of the community to extremist ideologies, logo, less susceptible to being radicalized and recruited for terrorism.
In practice, Policing Proximity / Community as fighting VERLT instrument boils down to three fundamental principles: – Emphasis on partnerships with community organizations and respective leaders, including young, women, religious groups and ethnic minorities, as well as companies and other institutions of civil society, that the FS should seek to involve, in building a relationship of trust and closeness; – Troubleshooting, implying that the FS should listen to communities and respond to their concerns and needs, even when they are not at the top of its priorities, and; – The Proximity / Community Policing should be proactive and preventive, seeking to mobilize people to solve the problem, before you evolve and change into crime.
Studies such as the document written by the National Institute of Justice of the US, entitled "The Challenge and Promise of using Community Policing Strategies to Prevent Violent Extremism: A Call for Community Partnerships with Law Enforcement to Enhance Public Safety", dated January 2016, demonstrate that the Policing Proximity / Community can be effective to increase the trust of citizens in FS, It is therefore an important contribution in the fight against violent extremism and counter radicalization.
However the FS should not be the only ones with responsibilities in the implementation of counter-radicalization programs, because it can decrease their authority and lead to allegations that the Policing Proximity / Community implemented as a measure to combat violent extremism and radicalization is, actually, a 'spying program ", serving solely for information gathering (intelligence).
As an example of the applicability of Proximity / Community Policing in combating VERLT, the report presents as good practice, o exemplo do Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), whose evaluation can be found at: "Community Policing to Counter Violent Extremism: A Process Evaluation in Los Angeles", da autoria do National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), do Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Center of Excellence Led, da University of Maryland, dated July 2017.
This good practice implemented in the LAPD 2008 It was the creation of a specialized section, directed to the community, dentro do “Counter-Terrorism and Special Operations Bureau”, composed by 25 police officers, this subunit having created an extensive program to engage Muslim communities in matters related to violent extremism.
Since its inception was possible for agents of the LAPD participate in hundreds of events, involving all stakeholders, in particular "Muslim Forum annual", bringing together community leaders with the top of the LAPD hierarchy, as well as participation in all types of events, como workshops, speeches, interfaith seminars, information sessions / information, community celebrations and festivals, plus numerous personal contacts, yet been implemented an intervention program, which identifies and supports individuals at risk of violent radicalization.
Another good practice referred to in the report was that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and implemented consisting of regular conducting simulation exercises, in which members of the communities that have been affected by terrorism investigations switch sides and play the role of researchers.
The simulations are carried out after a short briefing, and participants are divided into small teams and placed face scenarios that require making difficult decisions, each being discussed and documented decision within the predetermined time, leading the participants to know the complexity of terrorism investigations, in order to prevent a terrorist attack, taking into account the expectations of citizens, political pressure and in compliance with the law, and the evaluation was conducted, fairly positive, because at the end of the simulations, participants "were able to put an end to a terrorist attack plan, but more importantly, all they left with a better understanding of the realities of a terrorism investigation ".
At the risk of being redundant, and despite the proximity Policing / Community a reality in our country for at least 25 year old, it seems to me that both the military of the GNR and PSP agents require specific training in prevention VERLT, especially those who are affections to special programs, in particular the Program Safe School, if you do not already have.