Opinion (Rogério COPETO / Official GNR): MISSING CHILDREN.
It was pointed out on 25 May the "International Day of Missing Children ', for what I take to remember two initiatives carried out by "Portuguese Missing Children Association" (APDC).
Lieutenant Colonel of the GNR
Master in Law and Security and Homeland Security Auditor
Head of the Education Division / Command Doctrine and Training
The first initiative I want to remember was held between the GNR and the APCD, on the occasion of "International Day of Missing Children ', that materialized in the presentation on 25 May 2015, the School of the Guard, Queluz, from the book "My Safety Manual", for all children up to twelve years of age and presents a set of basic safety rules in order to prevent children from being victims of crime.
Besides the children, This manual also is addressed to the whole school community, parents, parents and teachers, non-teaching staff of schools, local authorities and the central and regional administration with intervention in education, in accordance with their respective responsibilities and duties in this matter.
The different safety rules in the book "My Safety Manual" are framed by a set of stories whose main actor is the GUARDOO, mascote da GNR.
The second initiative was held to mark the "International Day of Missing Children" in 2016, with APCD carried presentation kit "My DNA", to help identify missing children, to be a considered one of the most important tools for the investigation of a child's disappearance, because it allows you to save at home the genetic identity of the smallest, which was then created with the help of an international expert in identifying people in situations of natural disaster.
The identification kit "My DNA", It contains a DNA storage card, a swab for saliva collection, sterile gloves, biometric fingerprint cards, respective forms and instructions for use, and can be purchased in pharmacies and supermarkets.
The "My DNA" has as objective to contribute to a more rapid identification of missing children, even in the event of his death, It can also be used to confirm if the child was in a certain place, where were biological traces collected, and for this purpose the parents will make delivery of the kit to the authorities, so that they can compare the DNA samples collected at various locations investigated.
This issue of missing children has already been addressed in the LN for more than once, because it is an area to which I have devoted some of my attention, especially since participated as an expert GNR, the study of the phenomenon of missing children in the European Union (EU) a 27, prepared by the European Commission, entitled "Missing children in the European Union: Mapping, data collection and statistics" date from 2013, which I have made known through the article with the title "'Missing child': One child, various settings".
The study presents the results of work done by 27 EU Member States in the missing children, intending with the same find a definition of "Missing Children"And to know what mechanisms, measurements, protocols and procedures associated with the disappearance of a child.
Completing the study by the absence of a single definition of "Missing Children"And the existence of different ways of proceeding before the phenomenon of missing children, in each of 27 Member States of the EU, and for that reason easy to realize, why is not always the countries cooperate in the event of disappearance of children, as would be expected, and because it varies from country to country, how it is treated this phenomenon, concluding that there is still much to do with regard to the protection of children's rights in the EU 27, no século XXI, fact that has been revealed in this exodus of refugees from Syria, constituting one of the largest current humanitarian tragedies, where child trafficking has been the main impact of the EU's inability to deal with the phenomenon of unaccompanied children, verifying that the refugee camps have been established as a breeding ground for traffickers, European territory in full, Portugal not being immune to it.
On the problem of unaccompanied children I suggest reading the Express article last Saturday, with the title "The holes of the asylum law where minors disappear"Journalists Raquel Miller and James Miranda, where it is stated that 95.000 unaccompanied children, most coming from Syria seeking asylum in Europe, wherein 10.000 They were reported missing Europol, after registration in European soil, of which were in Germany 6.000 refugee children who disappeared, having the most high profile case occurred in a refugee camp in Calais, where despareceram 129 lower after the demolition of the same field located next to the Channel Tunnel.
Finish recalling that "My Safety Manual"Is available for free download, the page APCD and whose constant advice it should be shared by all adults and children, every day of the year and especially in the "International Day of Missing Children '.