The awareness of the use of "firecrackers carnival" and the improvement of road supervision are areas, which usually develops GNR efforts, the week of Carnival, for the prevention of accidents.
Lieutenant Colonel of the GNR
Master in Law and Security and Homeland Security Auditor
Head of Education Division / Command Doctrine and Training
Every year during school holidays Carnival, GNR agenda for this time to conduct targeted awareness-raising for students, parents and teachers, about the dangers of the use of so-called carnival firecrackers, further performing simultaneously, enforcement actions directed to merchants, effecting the sale of such articles.
The sale of fireworks is prohibited under 18 years and may only be performed by any person who is empowered with a special permit called letter of Estanqueiro and can only be sold to non-recreational purposes, such as in the defense of agricultural and forestry production, or in the exercise of strike fighter.
The launch of pyrotechnics without authorization is punishable with a fine which may range from € 249.40 to € 2493.99, under the legislation in force, can in the most serious situations are typified as a crime.
These articles referred to as "Carnival firecrackers", "Throwing bombs", "Firecrackers", "Snaps", "Bee", "Rockets" or "tails-of-fishtail", are pyrotechnic articles and so are not toys, but real explosives which can cause serious accidents, especially in children and young.
All "firecrackers carnival" are dangerous in that they contain explosives and gunpowder, that even small amounts can trigger serious injury, such as cuts, fractures and burns, whereby parts of the body most affected are usually the hands, the fingers, the head, a face, eyes and ears.
For this reason the GNR every year repeats the usual advice, through the military of Community Policing and Crime Prevention Sections, namely: – Do not carry the "firecrackers carnival" or any other type of artifact fireworks in pockets, because they can blow friction and heat; – Not enter the "Carnival firecrackers" in bottles or cans, because they can burst and design shrapnel, causing injury; – Do not get off the ground or any other location, "Carnival firecrackers", because even if they appear have already been used can still bust; – Do not shoot "firecrackers carnival" to the fire, they may explode or increase the intensity of fire uncontrollably; – Do not accept "Carnival firecrackers" anyone.
In addition to the prevention of accidents with the "Carnival firecrackers", directed to the newest, the concern with older will be in the context of road safety, because as the foregoing will be a time when it will move to Portuguese areas where usually take place corsos carnival, the expected increase of road traffic flow on the main roads of the country, and thus enhance traffic surveillance.
Unfortunately the year 2018 and earlier this year were tragic as regards the number of fatalities resulting from road accidents, and it should be driving prevention effort for so-called "vulnerable users", such as pedestrians, cyclists, drivers and passengers of motor vehicle 2 and 3 wheels, because they represent half of all deaths resulting from road accidents worldwide, where running over pedestrians is among the leading causes of death on the roads.
It is also known that one of the main causes of accidents is speed, whereby as average speed increases, also increases the likelihood of an accident, also increasing the severity of its consequences, verifying that an increase of 1 km / h on the average vehicle speed results in increased 3% in the incidence of accidents, where result wounded and an increase of 4% a 5% in the incidence of accidents which result deaths.
Another responsible for road accidents is driving after drinking alcohol, so driving with a blood alcohol rate in (TAS) of 0.05 g / dl dramatically increases the risk of an accident.
In the context of passive safety, and in the case of cyclists and motorcyclists can be seen that the use of an approved helmet, You can reduce the risk of death 40% and serious injuries in approximately 70%. And the use of seat belts can reduce 45% a 50% fatal and non-fatal consequences among the occupants of the front seats and between 25 and 75% the occupants of the seats of the rear seats.
With regard to the transport of children, the use of restraint systems for children (SRC) appropriate to their age, height and weight reduces the risk of serious injuries to 80% compared with children who use only the seat belt.
In this context, We can not forget the responsibilities of owners of motor vehicles, because road safety also passes by vehicles, since they play a critical role, both to avoid accidents, and to reduce the consequences in case of accident, checking out however that 80% of the vehicles sold around the world lack the basic safety standards, even should all drivers to check before you start your trip if the vehicle is in perfect safety conditions, especially, in terms of tires and lighting.
The GNR again, during the week of Carnival, repeats the advice on the dangers of "firecrackers carnival" and for road safety, They are never too much to remember, because in Carnival accidents are taken it badly.