"The villages will have a 'security officer' to broadcast warnings to the population, organize evacuations and conduct fire on awareness-raising under the 'Village Safe' programs and 'Insured' ".

Rogério COPETO

Lieutenant Colonel of the GNR

Master in Law and Security and Homeland Security Auditor

Head of the Education Division / Command Doctrine and Training

The paragraph with which we began this text was taken from the day view article 9 April, with the title "Fires: Villages will have 'security officer'", where we learned that the "Security Officer" was created by the National Civil Protection Authority (ANPC) under the program "Villages Secure" and "Insured", still being created shelters fire in about 6 thousand settlements, whose evacuation and warning the population in case of need will be coordinated by now created "Security Officer", being the position of voluntary and elected by the population.

The participation of citizens in security activities (security or safety) It is not new in GNR, having 2012 implemented the program called "Interlocutor Security Location" (ILS), in order to promote the important role that citizens can play in crime prevention, vandalism and crime in your area (block, neighborhood, village, town, etc) reporting suspicious incidents to GNR.

To implement this program the GNR proceeded to the collection of the teachings of best practices on good "neighborhood watch" and that there are scattered all over the world, explaining that activity, as a group of citizens, trained in security matters (security and safety), but may not intervene in situations that may put your physical safety at risk, must always contact the security forces.

Under the GNR ILS program volunteers contribute their knowledge and free time to help make your community safer, gaining a valuable and unique experience, this being one of the main principles of ILS, born fruit of the changes that communities have suffered, becoming daily depending on the pace of globalization and the various threats and conflicts of various kinds, forcing the GNR to adapt to new realities, knowing that the safety of citizens, it is also the responsibility of all.

For implementation of the GNR ILS program 2012, it was necessary to identify, communities, potential security partners, to promote the daily practice of attitudes conducive to active citizenship, increasing the quality of the GNR police action by strengthening community relations and fostering interaction between the GNR and the community.

The ILS is constituted as a privileged element of the local community, functioning as a privileged link between the community and the GNR, presenting itself as a key instrument in the vicinity and establishing trust between the population and the GNR, contributing to the improvement of service.

The function of the ILS must be exercised by someone who knows the GNR and have skills and experience in community relations, able to promote the intervention and involvement of that community. yet this function should be exercised by possessing influence people and recognition within the community, able to create dynamic interaction between the population and the GNR.

To fulfill this desideratum was necessary to train all citizens identified as ILS, having been formed about 1.700 citizens 2012, who initiated the fulfillment of their duties, in early 2013, ensuring the objectives of the program.

It was found that the 1.700 ILS formed the overwhelming majority consisted of joint presidents, mayors, aldermen, Pastors, President and fire brigades commanders, techniques IPSS, Technical Children Protection Committees and Youth in Danger, Presidents clusters school, representatives of parents' associations, representatives of traders' associations, representatives of health centers and representatives of the Holy House of Mercy.

Having regard to the foregoing, it seems that all this work done by the GNR in 2012 and it has been continued in subsequent years, It can be availed by ANPC, asking the GNR to identify all ILS, that in addition to the functions that already play in the ILS program GNR, You may also perform the functions of "Security Officer".

In addition to these functions, even suggest that this figure of "Security Officer" can still fulfill the mission "Local Scout", as proposed in the report "Large forest fires and fatal accidents in 2013", written by a group of researchers and experts from the Research Center on Forest Fires, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the Faculty of Science and Technology, Coimbra University and led by Professor Domingos Xavier Viegas.

Despite the serious consequences of fires in June and October last year, remain in our memory the fire of the year 2013, which at the time it was constituted as the third most onerous years of this century, logo seguir a 2003 and 2005, with regard to the burnt area, but the worst due to the loss of human lives, It has therefore been drawn up the abovementioned report, from which resulted a set of recommendations, namely that the Attack Boost Groups Expanded (GRUATA) and the reinforcement groups for Forest Fires (GRIF), which are no more than Fire Stations moving from other parents of points, to strengthen the local fire department, have more training with other corporations, out of the fire season.

Furthermore, that these groups if their distributed the "Order Mission" before they reach the theater of operations (TO), in order to avoid engagement misfit, face the reality of occurrence, and that on arrival to be given a "Local Guide", in order to facilitate moving the unknown TO, without loss of time.

an aside, remember that cleaning of land was also addressed in the report, namely to fulfill the legislation with regard to the cleaning of forest and fuel management tracks, stating that the non-compliance were rarely punished.

It seems that all the recommendations made in 2013 They keep updated and that they should be implemented, if you have not already, being able to create a scholarship "Local Guides" in every District Command Control and Relief (CDOS), It is manned by now created "Security Officers".

for these reasons, it is concluded that all these initiatives are aimed at the non-repetition of the tragic fires last year, so the introduction of new players in defense against forest fires will always be an asset, but they should be taken advantage of human resources existing in communities, as exemplified by the Local Security Network subscribers formed by GNR in 2012.

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