The preparation of Homeland Security Annual Report (Perhaps) It is the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the Internal Security System.
Lieutenant Colonel of the GNR
Master in Law and Security and Homeland Security Auditor
Head of the Education Division / Command Doctrine and Training
The same is released late in the first quarter of each year, Exmº by Minister of Internal Affairs in the National Assembly, bringing together all criminal data, recorded by the Security Forces and Services last year.
This year the Homeland Security Annual Report – 2017 It was released last Friday, day 29 March, so it's easy to find articles in the media about the RASI-2017, where emphasis is placed on reducing violent crime and serious, that fell from 16.761 crimes in 2016, to 15.303 crimes in 2017, having however the total number of crimes in all the national territory grown in 3,3% of 330.872 in 2016 to 341.950 in 2017.
About RASI and on crime statistics ever had opportunity to write several times here in LN, knowing that for security forces is vitally important to know in detail all criminal incidents, With the objective, Statistics such as the definition says, "explain the frequency of occurrence of events", so that thereby they can guide the police efforts, either human resources, material means either, for locations and hours which occur in greater numbers, because only with real statistics it is possible to perform, so the numbers should not be tortured, until confess what we.
On the one hand, reducing violent and serious crime down, it appears that the overall increased crime, concluding that more people were victims of crimes, and therefore more people felt unsafe.
From 2008, at which time the highest number of crimes, there has been a steady decrease in total crime, having 2015 been a reversal of the downward trend with an increase in 1,3%, for the very next year to return to decline -7,1%, for again last year increased by 3,3%.
This change in the last three years, the ups and downs of the total crime, It could mean that we may be facing a stabilization trend in the number of crimes and that is unlikely to further reduce crime, because while some other criminal phenomena descend ascend, so there will be years that will be committed more crimes and other less, leading to stabilization of the number of crimes, after having recorded a reduction of almost 20% between 2008 and 2017.
Not being purpose of these articles scrutinize all types of crimes, We can not however to stop making a reference to domestic violence (CEO), knowing that later on 2013 and 2014 the RV crimes have recorded similar numbers, respectively 27.318 and 27.317, in the year of 2015 down to the 26.815, increasing 2016 to 27.291 and decreasing for 26.746 crimes recorded last year.
As mentioned above, knowledge of the criminal activities of certain criminal phenomenon is essential for knowledge of the phenomenon itself and for the definition of preventive measures and combating it, and with respect to VD even more urgent, so the data on the RASI are not enough to draw strong conclusions about the phenomenon of VD, pending so with high expectations the Domestic Violence Monitoring Annual Report for the year 2016 and 2017, the General Secretariat of the responsibility of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (SGMAI).
Another area that deserves special attention RASI me is the crime prevention, so a reading of the activities conducted by the security forces under the "General programs of prevention and policing", it appears that both the GNR and PSP develop thousands of information and awareness actions, having as target audience the most vulnerable, as children, the elderly, traders and victims of crime, a working pro-action, only under the Safe School Program, developed 28.104 Actions, in 8.479 schools and covering 1.840.742 students.
With regard to criminal and non-criminal incidents recorded by the GNR and the PSP under the "Safe School Program" in the school year 2016/2017, it appears that both the criminal as non-criminal decreased compared to the school year 2015/2016, taking the total of all occurrences in decreased school environment 7.553 to 7.066, which corresponds to a reduction -6,4%, as follows framing indicated.
GNR and PSP data | School year 2015/16 | School year 2016/ 17 | Dif. | Where % |
Total occurrences in the school setting
(criminal and non-criminal) |
7.553 | 7.066 | -487 | -6,4% |
criminal occurrences (school inside) | 3.348 | 3.286 | -62 | -1,9% |
criminal occurrences (school outside) | 1.444 | 1.210 | -234 | -16,2% |
Total of criminal occurrences | 4.792 | 4.496 | -296 | -6,2% |
Source: Perhaps – 2017
But much more could be noted on all other programs, namely "Support 65 - Safety in the Elderly ", "Safe Commerce", "Safe Home", etc, but let this reading for those wishing to learn more about what the work that has been developed by the GNR and the PSP, under the various programs, which hosts thousands actions that deserve to be cherished by the population, may closer to RASI reading - 2017 enlighten the reader about the multitude of existing programs, getting a more comprehensive notion of that work, that deserved more attention from the media, that is restricted solely to echo the crimes, because all of these programs are aimed to reduce crime, betting in the visible and near, where the creation of projects and initiatives, targeting the most vulnerable population.
Thus despite the overall crime have grown is of greater justice recognize, the excellent safety levels reached in 2017 are undoubtedly, also the result of the work of the Security Forces and Services, in the prevention of crime, it is not an exclusive Forces and Security Services, but the responsibility of all of us.