In recent days we have seen the creation of an "Observatory of Private Security" and a "Working Group on Private Security", the first made up of private security companies, without the Security Forces and the second consisting of the GNR and the PSP, without private security companies.
Lieutenant Colonel of the GNR
Master in Law and Security and Homeland Security Auditor
Head of the Education Division / Command Doctrine and Training
The theme of Private Security does not come out of the agenda, since the attacks occurred in the Urban Beach nightclub in Lisbon, on 2 November last year were known, through the release of a video on social networks and all media replicated, such as the Public article 2 November with the title "'Unfortunate and disgusting'. Urban Beach departs security after brutal attacks on the nightclub door".
The assaults on Urban Beach, although they represent the worst that exists related to nightlife establishments, have resulted in bringing to the public square the subject of Private Security, since it was possible, put all the actors to reflect on it, despite all know that this situation is not unique, the nightlife in Lisbon, Port and Albufeira, which abound areas of nightlife.
Such was the severity of the assaults at Urban Beach that after two weeks the government announced that changes would be proposed to lei 34/2013, of 16 May, (Private Security Act), establishing the exercise regime of private security activity and safety measures to be taken by public or private entities to prevent the commission of crimes, as echoed the TSF in your piece 17 November 2017, with the title "Changes in the private security law come to parliament in early 2018", where it was stated that "the Ministry of Internal Affairs will present, within two weeks, draft bill regulating the private security".
This proposal to amend the Private Security Act is intended to make "a clear distinction between what is the intervention of the security forces, which is public safety and what the powers of private security (...) and enhance corporate accountability and who hires the".
The measures were announced after the completion of the Private Security Council, which is chaired by Mr Exmº. Minister of Internal Affairs, an integral part of the Exmº Sr. General Commander of the GNR, the Exmº Sr. National Director of PSP, Mrs. Exmª the Inspector General of IGAI, Exmº National SEF Director, the Exmº Sr. National director of the PJ, Exmª the Mrs. General Secretary of Homeland Security System, the Exmº Sr. Secretary General of the MAI, representatives of associations of security companies and representatives of professional associations.
But despite the existence of this discussion forum on Private Security at the highest level, business associations and trade unions linked to private security got together and created the Observatory of Private Security, as echoed the News Journal 15 Feb., in his article entitled "Created Observatory of Private Security sector to report irregularities".
The Observatory of Private Security, that does not count with the participation of security forces, It was then created with the mission "to denounce irregularities industry, particularly the 'bad practices' of business and work not declared to the State ", still having its members that are "concerned with 'serious situation' living the private security sector".
Across the Spectrum, was the government that set up a working group, composed of representatives of the GNR and PSP, coordinated by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of State for Internal Affairs, and without representatives of associations and organizations related to private security, with the mission "to monitor the adoption of measures to reinforce the safety conditions of nightlife establishments", Saturday magazine article as of 26 February with the title "PSP and GNR in working group to study safety in nightclubs".
That article gives also says that the working group was set up following the risk assessment, made by the GNR and the PSP, all establishments nightlife, They were identified "70 of nightlife establishments problematic for public safety in Lisbon, Port and Albufeira", He realized as the Daily News through the article 24 Feb., with the title "police identify 70 nightclubs and bars risk".
Of 70 sites were identified problematic 23 in Lisbon, 28 Porto and 29 in Albufeira, and it is in these cities where the highest number of nightlife establishments and consequently which are also those with greater security risks, evidenced by the number of events recorded by the GNR and the PSP.
This report by the GNR and the PSP, associations linked to private security state that "They were not involved in this process and wait for the report to be known in order to react. They point to the need for greater police presence, da GNR or PSP, next to these spaces, so that there is deterrence and more sense of security", with Jose Gouveia, President of the Association of Lisbon Nightclubs, defended "More proximity policing, with reinforcing patrols in greater flow of local and close contact between entrepreneurs and authorities". The same opinion has the chairman of the newly established Socio-Professional Association of Private Security, Rui Silva, adding the need to create a special program called "Safe Night", like the program "Safe School" or "Safe Commerce" program.
Also the newly established Observatory of Private Security is unaware of the aforementioned "but indicates as one of the solutions to improve safety at night is separate 'traditional activity of private security' of “night business'. It is an activity that has only injured, is very, the reputation of those who every day providing a quality service and complementary to public safety".
In addition to the above contributions that may be received as part of the review process of the Private Security Act that is taking place, also propose that the processing of licensing procedures, that even 2006 was the General Secretariat of the responsibility of the MAI and went for PSP, possession being shared by GNR, taking into account their territorial jurisdiction, thus increasing the effectiveness of licensing nightlife establishments.
In the review of the Private Security Act, still we consider that you should not miss this opportunity, for included the existence of tasks that are the responsibility of the security forces, It is still essential the presence of the GNR and PSP, All Public spaces, thus ensuring the rights of all citizens.