Opinion (Rogério COPETO / Official GNR):Sergeants LEVEL PRE-LICENSED 5.
The Council of Ministers approved on the last day 3 January, Decree-Law regulating the Polytechnic Military Unit (UPM), where in the future Sergeants will be formed of the three branches of the Armed Forces and the GNR.
Lieutenant Colonel of the GNR
Master in Law and Security and Homeland Security Auditor
Head of the Education Division / Command Doctrine and Training
As the Observer realized in his article "Cabinet approves ordinance to create Polytechnic Military Unit", of 3 January, "the ordinance defines the organic UPM aimed at 'training of sergeants of the permanent staff of the three branches of the armed forces and the National Guard', in a format that matches, for the Ministry of National Defense, to 'an expectation of long-standing appreciation of the Sergeants' career".
About UPM Observer also notes that "the Polytechnic Military Unit award the professional high school diploma to those who successfully complete basic training sergeants in the schools of the three branches of the Armed Forces and the National Guard ... will be headed by a Commodore or Brigadier General, with three-year term and chosen alternately between the Navy, the army, the Air Force and the GNR, named joint order of National Defense and of the Interior, getting be responsible to the commander of the IUM".
As noted by the observer, the Director of UPM will have a term of three years, designated rotating entres the three branches of the Armed Forces and and GNR, unlike the Commander of the IUM, that is uniquely selected from the Navy, Army and Air Force.
But for better clarification of the UPM a query is required to Decreto-Lei nº 249/15, of 28 October, which approved the structure of the military higher education, consecrating their specificities in the context of higher education, and adoption of the Statute of the University Military Institute (IUM), No where in 2 its article 20, it is stated that "The IUM also includes the Polytechnic Military Unit (UPM), hierarchically dependent director of the IUM, as a separate organizational unit constituted by the Polytechnical: a) Polytechnic Marine Department; b) Army Polytechnic Department; c) Polytechnic Department of the Air Force; d) Departamento Politécnico da GNR".
Also on the UPM, we had the opportunity to address the issue in our article entitled "O novo Estatuto by GNR", dated 3 May 2017 and published here in LN, by reason of the adoption of the new Statute of the Military National Guard (EMGNR) approved by DL nº 30/2017, of 22 March, which refer to the new EMGNR introduced an innovation, with regard to the training of sergeants GNR, particularly in paragraph 4 of article 58, where it is stated that "For entry to the sergeants category is required use the sergeants training course Guard, to which is assigned the level 5 qualification of the National Qualifications System", e no nº 1 of article 218, where it is stated that "Joining the sergeants category is made in the second sergeant rank, after completion of the training course for sergeants, to which is assigned the level 5 qualification of the National Qualifications System".
To meet the National Qualifications System (SNQ) a query is required to DL nº 396/2007, of 31 of December, as amended by Decreto-Lei nº 14/2017, of 26 January, which establishes the legal framework SNQ and defining the structures that regulate its operation, creating the National Qualifications Framework (QNQ), which in turn is regulated by Ordinance No. 782/2009, of 23 July.
So, The NFQ has the following structure: The level 1 It corresponds to the 2nd cycle of basic education; The level 2 corresponds to the 3rd cycle of basic education obtained in basic education or dual certification courses; The level 3 corresponds to the vocation secondary education to continue their higher education studies; The level 4 corresponds to secondary education obtained by routes dual certification or secondary school devoted to pursuit of higher education studies plus internship at least 6 months; The level 5 It corresponds to the post-secondary level qualification with no more credits to continue their higher education studies; The level 6 corresponds to the degree; The level 7 corresponds to masters and; The level 8 corresponds to Ph.D..
As mentioned, The level 5 It does not correspond to a degree, only Levels 6, 7 and 8, but nevertheless gives credit to continue to bachelor and master, and the legal framework of the course Higher Professional Technical (CTeSP) expected no Decreto-Lei n.º 74/2006, of 24 March, as amended by Decree-Law n.º 63/2016, of 13 of September and by Decree-Law n.º 65/2018, of 16 August.
The CTeSP, higher education, not an academic degree and completion, with use, the respective course of study attributes the Higher Professional Technical Diploma (DTeSP), and this cycle of studies taught in polytechnic education, with 120 ECTS, and so called "pre-bachelor", since the attribute degrees 180 ECTS.
The duration of CTeSP is four semesters, consisting of a set of courses organized in general and scientific training components, technical training and training in the workplace, which is realized through an internship.
According to the aforementioned and after the publication of DL regulating UPM, the publication will need a degree to create and regulate the course of study that enables the entry into the Sergeants category of Permanent Tables (QP) the armed forces and the framework of GNR, according to the respective Statutes.
This set of legislation aims to assign Level 5 of qualification, through a course leading to DTeSP, that is for the entrance qualification in Sergeants QP category of the Armed Forces and the GNR frame given by IUM, by UPM, can the DTeSP holders access and joining cycle of undergraduate studies and integrated master through a very special competition for you, acquiring the appropriate academic degree.