The Alentejo: Traditional music group will make tour in Taiwan.
The OS Alentejo group, Serpa, They are provided 22 June until the next day 2 July, in the city of Taipei, Taiwan, in order to participate in the animation in the Portuguese pavilion at the WINE and GOURMET 2015 TAIPEI, TAIWAN, event that runs from days 26 and 28 June.
Founded in 1998, by elements with experience in Alentejo sing area and other musical areas, to musical entertainment during the "EXPO 98" Lisbon, the group includes 6 elements, but only on special occasions is operating in full, whereby the normal version is 4 elements.
The group recorded in 2002 his first album, and their repertoire is collected in the traditional music of Alentejo, focusing mainly on Serpa region and, seeks to give an overview of the different interpretations ranging from prom fashions, Religious, of "Parade" , which they were sung by field workers when they moved to work, as well as other more recitative style.
Interpretations are the voices, with instrumental accompaniment, accordion and guitars, trying not to detract from the traditional way of sing (See a video here:
Constitution: Armando divot, guitars and vocals, Sunday Breyner, viola e voz, Fernando Master, guitar and voice, Hugo Bentes, guitar and voice, John Cataluna, accordion and voice and Hector Oliveira, guitar and voice.
- Participation in programs of the three television channels operating in Portugal,
- In all regions of the country, including Azores,
- Na Casa do Alentejo de Toronto, and live on TV channel CITY - Canada (2000/2001),
- Germany, na Expo 2000 Hannover,
- Poland, in the city of Lublin, (2003),
- Luxembourg, (2006),
- Brazil, in the city of St. John Del Rey, (2007) and Itabira, (2012),
- Cape Verde, City Beach, (2005/2010),
- Malta Island, Cidade de Vittoriosa, (2009),
- Spain, in Seville, (2006),
- Morocco, in the city of Asilah, (2009),
- Italy, in the city of Ravenna, (2011),
- Venezuela, Caracas, (2011),
Besides the presence in the Portuguese pavilion at the WINE and GOURMET 2015 TAIPEI, TAIWAN, the group “The Alentejo”, They will also encourage the dinner in a Portuguese restaurant in that city, property of a Portuguese businessman, responsible for the group's trip to Taipei.
Throughout the group's presence in East Asia, the Lidador News, They will bring to your readers, details of the tour “The Alentejo”.
Teixeira Correia