Ourique: Opens applications for higher education student grants.

The Ourique Municipality has opened applications for higher education student grants.

The Ouriquense authority that education, building positive solutions to the route of acquiring knowledge, It is one of the pillars of municipal policies.

The Municipality of Ourique maintains in a statement that “It has implemented policies and investments for people”, for the territory and for the affirmation of Ourique as Capital Alentejo Pig and future land.

That the present value of effort and prepare for the future, the focus on qualification of Ouriquenses is very important, “that's why we are valued education cycles in the county and supported those who have to achieve out of our territory.

In line with this priority in municipal and integrated wide range of social support, the Municipality of Ourique back to launch by the end of November the application process for obtaining scholarships for ouriquenses attending higher education institutions.

Between early October and 29 November, interested parties may formalize applications with the Social Action Office of the Municipality of Ourique, what, thus, helps support students and their families the financial burden of higher education often.

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