Ourique: City Assembly approved budget of about 18,5 million.

With the votes of the Socialist Party, the votes against by the Social Democratic Party and the abstention of the CDU, the Municipal Assembly of Ourique approved in a meeting the Budget proposal for 2024.

Segundo o Município “com um investimento de 18.467.607 euros focado nas pessoas e no território, que sustenta ideias, programas e iniciativas para cinco objetivos estratégicos para ter um Município: melhor equipado, empowered and decentralized, que promove o desenvolvimento económico e social, com melhor qualidade de vida, com melhor espaço público e ambiente e mais resiliente e seguro”.

Mantendo um forte compromisso com o equilíbrio das contas do município, este assegura que sem afetar a capacidade de resposta no presente e a construção de novos caminhos para o futuro, num tempo de incertezas, “the municipal budget for 2024 will create conditions for the sustained implementation of a wide range of social supports for children, young people, families and senior citizens; the dynamization of the local economy and the affirmation of Ourique as a reference rural territory”.

The municipality believes that these premises “will allow the development and implementation of electoral commitments such as the new Ourique Business Center or affordable housing within the scope of the Local Housing Strategy, in addition to maintaining a strong appreciation of the territory and an effort to improve living conditions through a close and integrated vision of all points of the municipality’s territory”.

In 2024, Portugal celebrates the 50 years since the April Revolution and Ourique will mark the date with a set of initiatives.

The approved budget proposal expresses the electoral commitments made and incorporates the ideas, the projects and initiatives that result from the work of searching for opportunities to enhance the municipality and living conditions, as with the new Health Center, the requalification of the EB 2.3S School in Ourique, a promoção de habitação e o futuro Centro Empresarial.

O Executivo liderado por Marcelo Guerreiro garante que “o orçamento municipal aprovado permitirá manter um amplo conjunto de políticas de proximidade para as pessoas e para todo o território de Ourique”.

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