Ourique: Couple and baby injured in screening. The man was transferred to Lisbon.
A couple, the man 35 years and the woman 30 year old, and daughter, one baby two years, They were injured following the screening of a passenger car passenger, occurred on Monday night about four kilometers Ourique.
The three occupants of the vehicle were transported to the Beja Hospital, after having, Filipe Santos, the driver of the vehicle, They have been transferred to the Hospital of St. Joseph, in Lisbon, given the very serious condition in which it was.
The family resides in Tavira, returning from Lisbon, where, the morning of the accident, small Matilde had been subject to a small surgery at the Hospital Dona Estefania.
The screening took place at about 21,00 hours of Monday, at km 654,7 do IC1, in place of Esteros, near Ourique, in the north / south direction. Apparently, Filipe Santos have fallen asleep schoolmaster wheel, having the car invaded the opposite lane, flown over the protective rails, pulling a vertical signpost large and after overturning, just stopped at the bottom of a ravine.
Source of the fire revealed to Lidador News (LN) "it was a miracle the three people have not died". In the Beja Hospital a witness said "the baby was screaming by parents, while a fireman carrying, tenderly in his arms, for Pediatric Emergency ", concluded.
The woman was discharged during yesterday morning (Tuesday), while the small Matilde was under surveillance all night and leaving the Urgency on Tuesday morning. Turn, man continues to fight for life in the hospital unit of Lisbon where it was downloaded. Already within the city of Beja and before he entered the hospital the ambulance had to stop to stabilize the victim.
At the crash site were 9 operating of Ourique Fire and GNR, supported by 4 Car. The IC1 was open to traffic, although for some time the flow of vehicles have made the north / south band.
Teixeira Correia