Ourique: Celebrations of the 8th anniversary of Cante Alentejano in schools.

As part of the celebrations, a set of videos of Cante Alentejano with pre-school and 1st cycle students from schools in the municipality of Ourique were recorded and will be made available.

The Municipality of Ourique has maintained a strong commitment to valuing identity marks and implementing proximity responses that contribute to the individual and community development of the community.

In this line of thought, Ourique by valuing the marks of its identity, has integrated several expressions, traditions and events that are local reference, regional and national.

Cante Alentejano is a unique expression of the feeling and expression of the Baixo Alentejanos, recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, that integrates the dynamics of the educational community.

Based on this premise, the Municipality in a project led by Professor José Diogo Bento, bet in the last two years, in the introduction in a school context of Cante Alentejano Workshops, integrated in the Municipal Educational Project, whose objective is to value traditional popular culture and encourage young people to continue the Cante Alentejano, in a playful and pedagogical approach, underlining the importance of valuing education through art.

The Municipality of Ourique salutes the work carried out and the appreciation of Cante Alentejano that has been developed by Professor José Diogo Bento.

As part of the celebrations, a set of videos of Cante Alentejano with pre-school and 1st cycle students from schools in the municipality of Ourique were recorded and will be made available.

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