Ourique: sudden illness of one of the drivers have originated collision IC1.

One dead and three seriously injured, It was the tragic result of a fontal collision between two cars, a goods and other passengers that occurred yesterday at about 18,00 hours, at km 676, Haystacks in village, four kilometers from Ourique, one of the deadliest sections IC1.

They are not clarified the causes of the accident, everything points to an increase disease Nuno Bento, of 40 year old, the driver of the goods slightly, I moved to Ourique, direction south / north, and invaded the contrary via crashing head-on passenger car that circulated in the opposite direction.

The vehicle traveling rammed Elizabeth Ribeiro, of 32 year old, Manuel Almeida, fellow 48 year old, and Thomas Martins, of 8 year old, the son of the woman who was driving the car, who suffered serious injuries and were transported to the Beja Hospital.

Nuno Bento, divorced and the father of a boy with 10 year old, He was incarcerated, and given the violence of the collision and the severity of injuries, passed away at the scene. The INEM helicopter parked in Loulé was mobilized, having fully grounded IC1, but turned out to be demobilized because the victim's death.

"The vehicle structure was stuck in the driver's body and it was very difficult to remove the victim from the inside", Mario Batista justified, Commander of the Volunteer Fire Department Ourique. The three injured were transported to the Emergency Department of Beja Hospital, while the body of Nuno was taken to the Forensic Medical Bureau of the same unit where it will be autopsied.

Traffic in IC 1 and this closed entirely during day time, after having been reopened in one direction, making the traffic alternately. To be a day of return of end-of-week traffic in the Algarve-Lisbon direction was very conditioning, which is formed a long queue of vehicles that went beyond five kilometers.

Relief effort were involved 37 operational, of Ourique and Castro Verde Fire, VMER the Beja and Castro Verde SIV, GNR e INEM, supported by 15 vehicles and air means.

Teixeira Correia


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