Ourique: Exposure “Writing in the Lower Alentejo, the origins to the present day”.
The exhibition “Writing in the Lower Alentejo, the origins to the present day” It will be inaugurated today, by 17,30 hours, in Ourique, the Municipal Library Jorge Sampaio.
It is an initiative of the Lower Alentejo Museums Network, governed by the cymbal,the Municipality of Ourique integrates through its Archeology Center Caetano de Mello Beirão.
The exhibition aims to disseminate the historical and cultural heritage of this area and focuses on the topic of writing in the Alentejo since there 2500 year old, featuring archaeological pieces or documents from each of the Network of municipalities, what, taken together, witness this journey chronological.
Ourique is represented by "Estela de Arzil", southwesterly writing of inscription dated from the Iron Age I (checks. VII-V a.C.). At the time of inauguration, will present the archaeologist Samuel Blackbird, the Alentejo Regional Directorate of Culture and researcher and co-responsible for ESTELA project, that will make a brief presentation on the stele Arzil and Southwest Writing.
This shows itinerant, supported by a current and effective graphic language, It started its journey in June 2017 and, from next summer, will feature elsewhere in the country, disseminating and promoting the heritage of the Region, one of its greatest resources for attracting visitors and creating wealth and development.
The inauguration of the program also includes a musical spectacle. During the month of April, They are also scheduled two palestrasna Municipal Library: "The Southwest writing", by Prof. Amilcar Guerra, day 7 April, 16:00.
"The written documents as a source of information", by Dr. António Quaresma, day 21 April, 16:00. Municipal Library Jorge Sampaio, of 5 a 30 April 2018.
Schedule: 2Th and Saturday 14h00 - 19h00, 3Th, 5Th and 6 th Friday 09h30 - 19h00 and 14h00 Monday 4th - 22.00.