Ourique: Pig Alentejo Fair 2023, of 24 a 26 March.

The Alentejo Pork Fair in 2023, the 15th edition of the biggest event in Ourique, Capital Pork Alentejo, will take place at 24, 25 and 26 March.

The municipality justifies that “the event is an unavoidable mark of our Rural World, two knowledges, flavors and skills of women and men who work to the best of the potential of our lands” and will once again count on the convergence of wills of the Municipality of Ourique and ACPA — Associação de Criadores de Porco Alentejano.

The City Council believes that “the reunions, gastronomy, the musical animation and a unique spirit of a party that brings thousands of people from the region and the country to Ourique”, adding that “the result of the bet on rescuing and valuing the Alentejo pig sector”, the Fair affirmed itself in the regional and national panorama “as a moment of affirmation of the Rural World and of Ourique, that is projected at other times, throughout the year", concluded.

The Municipality of Ourique assures that “it will continue to work to affirm the productive potential of the rural world and Ourique as Capital of the Alentejo Pork”.

Teixeira Correia


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