Ourique: Fair Alentejo Pig 21 a 23 March 2025.

Promoted by the Municipality of Ourique and the Alentejano Pig Breeders Association (ACPA), the 17th edition of the Alentejano Pork Fair will take place between the days 21, 22 and 23 March 2025.

This event, which is one of the biggest celebrations of rural identity, two knowledges, flavors, art and mastery of the men and women who work the fruit of the earth -, promises to continue establishing itself as a landmark in the cultural and gastronomic scene of the region and the country. In 2025, the XVII edition of the biggest event in Ourique will continue to value the Alentejo pig sector.

In addition to a diverse and attractive musical lineup, editing of 2025 It will also bring a technical program dedicated to enhancing the Alentejo pig sector, as well as a set of cultural and festive activities that reflect the richness and authenticity of the municipality of Ourique and Alentejo. The full schedule will be announced early next year, ensuring moments of excellence and entertainment for all audiences.

Ourique: a reference destination in the rural world

With more than a decade and a half of history, the Alentejano Pork Fair has established itself as a meeting point between tradition and innovation, between local identity and national projection. This event is a time to celebrate rural culture and gastronomy, highlighting the central role of Alentejo pig as a product of excellence, symbol of the tradition and sustainability of our territory.

Source: Municipality of Ourique

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