Ourique: José Cid in solidarity concert in favor of Firefighters.

solidarity concert José Cid in favor of Firefighters Ourique Volunteers run the next day 28 January 2018. Tickets are on sale now at the Cine-Teatro Sousa Telles.

Firefighters Volunteers are a civic pillar and protection of our communities. This example of citizenship and emergency response, without looking at who, It was once again present in the past tragic summer of the year and so many moments of 365 days of the year when there are events that require civil protection and relief.

All communities are debtors of public recognition and an effort to support the operational capability and readiness of the Volunteer Fire.

The Ourique Municipality maintains a permanent institutional relationship with the Volunteer Fire Department Ourique, materialized in current exceptional support and.

In the last edition of the Parties of Santa Maria, the singer José Cid is committed to conduct a solidarity concert in favor of the volunteers of our land Firefighters, in recognition of its social importance.

The solidarity concert José Cid in favor of Firefighters Ourique Volunteers run the next day 28 January 2018, Sunday, by 16 hours, the Cine-Teatro Sousa Telles, in Ourique, taking tickets at a cost of 10 euros, recipe that targets the Humanitarian Association of Voluntary Firemen.

Tickets are on sale now at the Cine-Teatro Sousa Telles.

The Municipality of Ourique again emphasizes civic nobility of the contribution of women and men who are part of the Volunteer Fire Department Ourique, also thanks the selfless gesture singer José Cid and his team in delivering another cultural show at the Cine-Teatro Sousa Telles, in Ourique.

The Municipality of Ourique thanks, equally, the solidarity contribution of Campo Castro da Cola houses that, since the first moment, They joined the event, offering concert entourage of stays.

With the contribution of each as an integral part of the community, the municipality believes that “we will generate greater responsiveness in the present and the future to more Ourique”.

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