Ourique: Miguel Araújo to 25 March the XI Fair Alentejo Pig.

Miguel Araújo is the first released the name of the musical programming of the XI edition of the Pig Alentejo Fair, to be held in the days Ourique 23, 24, 25 and 26 March 2017.

The singer of "Husbands of The Other", "Balada Astral" or "Dona Laura" will act on the main stage of the Fair on 25 March, Saturday, at night.

Cantor, musician and composer, Miguel Araújo is one of the most complete artists of the new generation of Portuguese music. Having made known in Porto band The Olives, debuted solo in 2011 with "Five Days and Half", whose single was nominated for Best Song of the Year Awards in the Portuguese Society of Authors, proceeding from 2016 a solo career.

The Alentejo pig Fair was constituted over the years one of the main exhibitions of Baixo Alentejo and the country, corollary of municipal strategy statement of key agri-food sector for the local economy and the rural world.

The event brings together a targeted technical program for farmers and agri-food producers with a gastronomic offer, musical animation, leisure and dissemination of the Rural World, It has attracted tens of thousands of visitors Ourique, Capital Pork Alentejo.

The municipality of Ourique and ACPA - Alentejo Pig Breeders Association are working for the XI edition of Alentejo Pig Fair is another great moment of affirmation of identity, regional products and the Rural World.

Soon they will be announced more names in the music poster event schedule.

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