Ourique: municipality integrates “Network Integrated Regional Centers and BTT Cycling Alentejo”.
Under the program Valuing, the Municipality of Ourique, as project partner “Network Integrated Regional Centers and BTT Cycling Alentejo”, signed an agreement for its development in the amount of 7.228,14 euros.
The promotion of healthy lifestyles and the use of the new dynamics of society that can contribute to the recovery of the territories are two current challenges of Municipalities.
The Municipality of Ourique long embodying a set of measures to exploit the territory and the promotion of healthy lifestyles, in particular by supporting the development of various sports and leisure initiatives.
Aware of the importance of these realities within the tourism promotion of territories, the government, through the Secretary of State for Tourism and Tourism of Portugal, launched a project to create and promotion of a Network Integrated Mountain Bike Center, with the participation of eight municipalities in the Alentejo (Marvão, Castelo de Vide, Portalegre, Arronches, Fight, Redondo, Almodovar and Ourique) and two do Ribatejo (Coruche and Chamusca).
Under the program Valuing, the Municipality of Ourique, as project partner, signed an agreement for its development in the amount of 7.228,14 euros.
The purpose of the establishment of the network of mountain biking centers Integrated is to structure the product in the territory of Ourique, Alentejo, printing conditions to increase the supply routes / duly recognized and signposted routes and, consequently, offer users the opportunity to meet the vast natural resources, cultural and ethnographic Ourique, Lower Alentejo and Alentejo.
The choice of the Municipality of Ourique symbolizes the recognition of the valuation work of identity marks and the territory that has been developed in recent years, with the completion of various interventions and events that have won national and regional dimension.
The Municipality of Ourique continues to implement policies focused on local people, the enhancement of the region and in the affirmation of Ourique and its rural world.