Ourique: Portel is the municipality invited to the Fair Alentejo Pig 2017.
The municipality of Ourique is continuing preparations for the XI edition of the Alentejo Port Fair, to be held in Ourique, on days 23,24, 25 and 26 March 2017, We are able to announce that the Municipality invited to the event this year is the municipality of Portel, District of Évora.
Ourique shares with Portel's defense mounted as a key system for the assertion of the rural world and the Local Economies.
A pillar of the landscape that constitutes a key economic lever of the two communities, through the cork production, creating species that produce milk and high-quality meat, beekeeping, collection of edible mushrooms, tourist activities, As or Rural Tourism or Ecotourism and or Farm, and contribution to biodiversity, soil conservation, water quality and the production of oxygen.
Ourique – Capital Alentejo Pig welcomes Portel – Capital Assembled for a celebration of the best of Alentejo rural world in its products, traditions and ambition to be increasingly future, also with the opportunities generated by the Alqueva.
This convergence of wills between Ourique and Portel stresses the importance of agriculture and livestock systems practiced in extensive, under cover of low density oaks (oaks, sobreiro) or settlements operated in mounted system (Sobro and azinho) and traditional olive groves. The Montado is an asset for food production and for the affirmation of regional identity that must be safeguarded, to the extent that assumptions are the quality and excellence of regional products and our attractiveness as territory. Only with good agro-forestry-pastoral dryland or irrigated systems will be able to guarantee the quality of our certified products resulting from the creation of the pig alentejano, sheep, goats and cattle.
The presence of the municipality of Portel – Capital Assembled strengthens regional and national projection of Pork Alentejo Fair as a reference event of our rural world and what it does, with quality, outside major urban centers.
With the determination to continue to implement policies to people, for the territory and for the affirmation of Ourique as future land, soon we post more news of the XI edition of the Alentejo Pig Fair.