Ourique: PSD accuses authority to hire law firm to “treat” of offenses against the president's brother.
Section of Ourique the Social Democratic Party (PSD) accused in press release that “Chamber of Ourique, hires law firm to deal with offenses against traffic, which is also part of the brother of the mayor who is not an employee of the Municipality. O mayor justifies “no comments to make”.
Chamber of Ourique, hires law firm to deal with offenses against traffic, which is also part of the brother of the mayor who is not an employee of the Municipality, so getting a press release sent to Lidador News, pela Secção de Ourique do Partido Social Democrata (PSD).
The ouriquenses Social Democrats justify “to be true we have a police case, a serious violation of the law. This is the state that the socialist administration of Pedro do Carmo came”, supported it or mayor “It has even makes proposals on camera meeting to hire law firm to handle traffic tickets”.
According to the PSD, “the proposal was presented at the meeting chamber of the day 13 May 2015, como podem constatar no documento da proposta e da respectiva ata ( pag.10) of that day camera meeting with ship” (Minutes No. 9, available on the Municipality of Ourique site).
According to the document, Section of Ourique PSD charges that the “Section C Proposal No. 4 analyze and prepare the defense under the process from ordering to paragraph 915909677 established by the territorial command Beja GNR, in which it is the defendant Hugo Alexandre do Carmo (Pedro do Carmo's brother)”.
The Social Democrats justify “This proposal was approved at the meeting on camera this day, with PSD councilor abstention, and it was published on the official website of the municipality of Ourique, from which it was removed last day 5 June, no one knows why”.
Considering that this is an illegality, ensures that the PSD Ourique “will complain to the administrative and judicial authorities in order to be ascertained the truth of the facts, because the population of Ourique, You must have knowledge in order not condone illegal acts committed by those who manage the destinations of the county”.
Urged by Lidador News to weave considerations, on the subject, Pedro do Carmo, President of the Chamber Ourique, He said “no comments to make on this subject. I refer to the minutes which is in the municipality of page”, concluded.
Teixeira Correia