Ourique: Sleep one of the drivers may have been in the deadly collision origin.

A collision between a commercial light two-seater jeep and gave one dead and one seriously injured. The sleep of one of the drivers may have been the source of fatal accident.

A sexagenarian died yesterday morning following a collision between two passenger cars, a commercial two seats and a jeep, which occurred near the town of Grandaços, in Ourique county, at km 6 State highway (IN) 123.

The accident occurred at about 06,30 hours, having the driver of the other vehicle suffered serious injury, but not in danger of life.

For reasons not yet determined, but authorities did not rule out the possibility of commercial Kia vehicle driver, who followed in the north / south direction, have fallen asleep. The residence of the conductor to the point of collision, distam 250 kilometers, requiring two hours to make this journey.

The small vehicle driven by Joseph Sequeira, 52 year old, employee Tecnovia, residing in Alpalhão (Portalegre), I was headed Portimão, It was the berm, entered then screening invading the opposite way, eventually hit the jeep, who followed in direction south / north. The latter car was driven by John Fernandes Lima, 68 year old, residing in Lisbon, which was headed the Neves-Corvo mine, in Castro Verde, where he headed a team that works for Somincor.

The two victims were transported to the Beja Hospital, by Ourique Fire, with John Lima finished by die having already been admitted to the Emergency Department of the Alentejo health unit. The body of the fatality was sent to the Forensic Medical Bureau of Beja where it will be autopsied.

Relief effort were involved 16 operating of Ourique Fire, support vehicle immediately life (SIV) de Castro Verde e a GNR, It is the cause of the accident to be investigated by the Crime Investigation Unit in Traffic Accidents (NICAV) Traffic Detachment of GNR Beja.

Teixeira Correia


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