Ourique: Young volunteering for nature and forests-“Greenest Ourique”.

The “Young Volunteering for Nature and Forests” Program will be promoted by the Municipality of Ourique and aims to promote practices in the field of nature protection, forests and their ecosystems.

“Greenest Ourique” will be promoted by raising awareness among the population in general and by protecting against forest fires and other catastrophes with an environmental impact, monitoring and recovery of affected territories.

Young participants will have the opportunity to take part in initiatives for cleaning and maintaining forest areas (forest from Miradouro de Ourique), boost awareness and information initiatives for the population with a view to preventing fires and cleaning land, as well as boost awareness and information initiatives for the population with a view to achieving a more circular economy, namely recycling and waste sorting and door-to-door collection systems.

The program starts on the day 10 July and end of 21 August of the current year. These dates will be divided into three periods, with the maximum number of entries of 6 young people for each: 1º Period: 10 a 21 July, 2º Period: 24 July to 4 of August and 3rd Period: 7 de agosto a 21 August

Young people must register directly on the portal at IPDJ – Youth Programs.

If there is any difficulty in registering, they can go to the Civil Protection Office in Ourique City Council., until the day 28 July 2023.

There will be support for young volunteers worth 12 euros/day and can attend a maximum of 10 working days.

Each volunteer will have insurance, under Article 13 of the Regulation (Link Regulation no. 412/2023, of 3 April | DR (diariodarepublica.pt).

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