Ovibeja: Within one month of the fair, President of ACOS reveals that “there is an increased Fair Field area”.

Rui Garrido less than a month before the 34th OVIBEJA, in an interview to the Press Office of ACOS: "There is still long way to go in the internationalization of our products”.

"We would like to OVIBEJA 2017 was the same as always, but with a more agricultural nature "says Rui Garrido (to esquerda na foto), President of South -Agricultores ACOS direction, entity responsible for carrying out the OVIBEJA, a little less than a month before the official opening of the great fair of the South. Scheduled to start 27 April, the OVIBEJA extends up 1 May, having this 34th edition as main theme the internationalization of food products of animal origin, cheeses such as, sausages and hams from the traditional Alentejo. Rui Garrido "still a long way to go in internationalization" of the Alentejo products, that it is "incipient", but the example of the olive oil or wine "shows that it is possible".

We are on the verge of another OVIBEJA. Let's have a fair with many exhibitors?

The adhesion of exhibitors has been normal, noticing-se, including an increase, for the last year. There are exhibitors who are looking to us for the first time, which is a good sign.

foot to put all the necessary infrastructure for the OVIBEJA be held, year after year, It is a work that mobilizes the entire team ACOS ...

Sim. In ACOS we took almost half a year working on other activities and a half years working for OVIBEJA. This year we started working with special anticipation because we thought we'd make some improvements in Fair Park in collaboration with the Municipality of Beja. The Park is managed by the two entities. There was intervention at the level of improved sanitation facilities. We have also carried out some improvements in terms of the exhibition halls and invest in improving accessibility and conditions for exhibitors within the Fair Field.

The Field of the fair, continues, that is why, to be one of the development points of OVIBEJA, as indeed it has happened in recent years ...

Sim. We made a big investment there, which included draining all terrain, and construction mode paths to create the conditions to make this area one of the noble spaces of the fair. It was and is one of our objectives to keep the moth OVIBEJA, what is your tradition, but we also want to make it more agricultural and so we have been investing in this direction. The Fair Field was us missing it and, this year, with the improvements made, we think we will be able to streamline this area.

Improve without destroying

E no rest? The fair will remain equal to itself?

Sim. The Fair will continue on the path of the very latest editions, perhaps they are trying to give you a slightly different arrangement this year, in terms of exhibitors, improving it without decharacterize.

Last year there were problems in access to ticket offices. They are being made some changes this year?

We will open again the ticket which is by the NERBE to alleviate the concentration of visitors who gathered at the main entrance. Last year there were problems with the entries when there were many people, and it makes sense that a person who moves 50 or 100 kilometers to come to OVIBEJA, is after more than an hour in a queue waiting to enter the fair. Are improvements such we intend to do, more rest, the OVIBEJA always maintains the same moth.

In terms of size there is an increase of the Fair Field area?

That's where the fair is expanding and where we want to take everything that is agricultural machinery and equipment. Come also have the Pavilion of Birds, some demonstration fields of cereals and oilseeds, demonstration of machinery and vehicle, a helicopter to take tours, etc. Let's try to stimulate that area.

For other areas and pavilions. Will remain?

Everything will keep. Let's keep the Sing Pavilion and Crafts, this year with more exhibitors, the shows will take place during the four nights, with a good program. The theme of OVIBEJA is dedicated to internationalization and export products, especially in the area of ​​animal products and more facing the rainfed, cheeses such as, sausages, I suspected etc.

One criticism that has been made is that the OVIBEJA, in the last years, It has decreased the presence of some traditional quality products.

Maybe for this, this year we wanted to make a rearrangement in this area. We will set up a large tent next to the Land Pavilion in Fertile that join these exhibitors, in order to value and give even more visibility to this type of product. We were aware of these criticisms and we will try to improve this aspect.

International seminar on olive oil

remains, Clear, also the international olive oil competition.

Sim. we also, As in previous years, the International Competition of Extra Virgin Olive Oil - CA Award OVIBEJA, the only international competition of olive oil held in Portugal, and it has already achieved a reputation equal to that of Mario Solinas contest, which is the most known in the world. We had this year the contest about 150 samples, and we decided it invigorates-duma differently. The international jury, joining more than 40 elements, met in the Casa do Alentejo, in Lisbon for two days and on the last day made to disseminate the results of the contest and a presentation of OVIBEJA with some regional products. We will hold the 2nd International Seminar on South Olive during OVIBEJA, with the collaboration of OLIVUM - South growers Association, Saturday, day 29 April, when it will take place the delivery of the international olive oil contest prizes.

The Alentejo products can already compete in international markets? The export is already a fact and there is still much to do?

There is still a long way to go. It is still a bit incipient. At the level, for example, cheese or sausage export is more than incipient. There are countries that have very tight rules and where almost can not go in and, that is why, it's not easy. Taking the sectors of wine and olive oil, there is still much to do.

How is the agriculture of the Lower Alentejo this early 2017?

With various problems. For example, the investment. At the level of the Federation of the Lower Alentejo Farmers' Associations (Faabu), we have been battling, already since before the last OVIBEJA, on the issue of agricultural investment. Lately we got a few things to be improved, but others do not. One of the serious problems we have in terms of the investment are the projects that applied during the period 2015/2016, and for which there is no guarantee of funding. The competitions had limited funds, and enter projects that exceed the allocation, carried over to the next competition, but with no guarantee of approval. Or that we are finding, and we had already alerted the protection for this, is that, especially when it comes to installation of permanent crops - a almond or olive e.g., farmers can not stay as long waiting. Only at this point are being analyzed projects entered the last quarter of 2015, which it is a long time for those who have commitments.

What kind of commitments?

When I think make a olive or almond or other permanent culture, I have to order plants, but not the will to have when you need them, and then I have to give a signal. In other words, willy-nilly, the farmer is obliged to start investment and, after making the order of plants, they come and, even if the projects are not approved or even discussed, They have to be planted - which is impossible if there is no irrigation… We have drawn attention to the fact that people have been taken to make the investment without any collateral and this is already cause problems, leading farmers to have to make bank loans and to make commitments. This is an issue that has concerned us. At this time, as during 2016 not opened more contests in PDR2020, analysis of projects is almost day, but not yet fully. We are assured that there will be new openings contests and there will be some support, but, since money is tight, the level of support for investment declined significantly and direct payments are limited to 700 thousand euros, which is quite narrow for anyone who wants to restructure an upland farm for irrigation with the dimensions we have in the region.

Alqueva irrigation will increase

There is also the question of the Alqueva water price and irrigation area management that comes from behind. How are these two issues?

This is another aspect that we have been discussing and that seems to have been resolved. The Minister of Agriculture had undertaken to make changes that have already been announced and will bring down the price of the Alqueva water between 20 a 33% for farmers. Just we have to study with edia, the ability to adjust the best price for the Irrigators Associations.

They were satisfied with this ad?

In this respect we were pleased, because it is good for farmers. Open remains the management of new irrigation blocks, which for us is also very important. We think that if farmers to manage these perimeters, We got better efficiency. At this time this is managed by edia, who hires companies to do, even in areas where there are already irrigators associations with experience in water management, as in Ferreira do Alentejo or Old Montes. This situation has to be considered very seriously.

And the Alqueva irrigation area is now complete and it is expected to expand?

This was also a good news that we had. There was a Alqueva expansion plan for more 40 hectares, for which funding was being sought, and we were recently told by the Minister of Agriculture that the work will advance, regardless of funding source. It's an expansion that will take place either in Beja districts, either Évora, which corresponds to a third of the initial area of ​​the irrigation area, it was of the order of 120 hectares. And this enlargement of the irrigation area have also been one of the factors that have allowed the low water prices for farmers. It's a good new.

The ACOS already have 70 permanent workers

Rui Garrido engineer chairing the ACOS about a year, after the premature death of the engineer Manuel Castro and Brito, the charismatic leader of the Association and OVIBEJA. How has it been this route of about 12 months? It has been difficult?

The ACOS today is a very big house, operating in various sectors and a staff made up almost 70 officials. Then we still have the ADS which employs about 40 veterinary teams and the Vocational Training sector with several trainers by way of provision of services. We have also streamlined the technical department, focusing on diversification of services to support our associates. Manuel Castro and Brito was a man who was devoted to one hundred percent to the Association. The ACOS was almost their first home, since fortunately I had this availability, which is not my case. That is why, We had to give here a different orientation to the structure. We have created the figure of the Director-General, which is in practice the Executive Director, responsible for daily management of the whole structure. This is the Engineer Claudino de Matos, which also already part of our frames. Another change has to do with the passing of Dr. Miguel Madeira - head of ADS - for Direction. In this way we have been able to continue the work, and I think that things are working well.

E a ACOS, as an association, It has renewed, in terms of partners?

We have always had the accession of new members and have really increased their number due to some activities, However, we started to develop. Today we inspection sprayers, which is mandatory; We have carried out cattle auctions regularly, who have gone very well, not only by the prices charged, but the fact of the auction indirectly influence the market price here in the area. Also we've streamlined the wool sector, selling them, which has brought new members. We are currently in talks with some Spanish unions to begin another activity that has to do with the marketing of lambs. With these partners we gain scale and achieve more gains. We intend to take this step very soon.

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