OVIBEJA: lúzias brothers, the oldest exhibitor event.

There are many exhibitors who have been faithful and have accompanied the growth of the fair, some of them have been present since the first edition.

This is the case of the company Brothers lúzias, Beja, having motor vehicle and tractors and agricultural implements exposed at the event (n.d.r: VW and Mazda cars, Case tractors and Antonio Carraro, agricultural implements Herculaneum and Corvus and industrial machinery Case).

"It's a show that everyone likes, families, the newest, the olders, all find something here you like to see or do ", said Victor Luzia in an interview with Lusa, adding that, for business, It is also advantageous: "It's a great stage. A few years ago they were made much more business than today, tradition was, but it is a show and makes our companies to disclose beyond our region ".

"This year, with election year, should be further accentuated that fact, but for us it is also important to have them here. It was important until they do not come by Évora, to come by Ferreira [do Alentejo] to see the state of our road ", to conclude that "it is important to also look a little for this zone, because only remember at the time of Ovibeja and it is important to remind them all year ", Victor maintains Lucia.

(n.d.r: In 2006, in celebration of “silver wedding” (25 year old), Beja Chamber recognized the work that the company assigning him the medal of municipal grade silver merit. Work published in the JN 2009: https://www.jn.pt/local/noticias/beja/beja/interior/irmaos-luzias-fintam-a-crise-dando-trabalho–1235074.html)

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