Ovibeja: Young creator 35 years wins Alentejo breed pig competition.

The 25th National Alentejo Breed Pig Competition, which is taking place within the scope of the 40th Ovibeja, is marked by winning first place in the boar category (pork) and nuts, by a young creator of 35 year old.

Nuno Cravinho, with a farm based in Courela da Achada, in the village of Vale de Açor, municipality of Mértola, linked to Casa Cravinho, won both trophies in a dispute with two breeding animals, whose weight is around the 255 kilos each.

The event is organized by the Alentejano Pig Breeders Association (ACPA) and by the National Association of Pig Breeders Alentejo (ANCPA) and aims to value one of the most important native Portuguese breeds, exploited in an extensive regime system (free in the field) and is based on agricultural products, namely, and he circumcised him.

It is the second time that Nuno Cravinho has won the national competition, since in the regional it has a great history of victories. “The awards mean that we are on the right path and that genetic refinement is increasingly valuable. They also show that what we do is done well and is an added value for the sale of our products”, proudly revealed to Lidador Notícias (LN), the young creator.

The genetic line of your animals “inherited” from their progenitor’s farm, José Cravinho, there 30 years dedicated to raising Alentejo pigs, with own production, and who gave him “the responsibility of creating one of the purest breeds of pigs that exist in Portugal”, justified Nuno.

On exploration, where animals are raised extensively, has 15 breeding females and two males, in which the main objective “is to create animals with great genetic refinement”, adding that in addition to the support of the mountain pole,, “there is also the sale of breeding stock, in which an animal with the characteristics of the prize-winning boar could be worth 800 euros”, concluded.

On the exploration of Courela da Achada, every year are created and then transformed more than 150 pigs. “We carry out the transformation and produce the products, from the stuffed ones to the prestos, intended for sale to the end customer, sold in the establishment itself”, says pride.

Every day a member of the Cravinho Family, Nuno or his father, they will treat and monitor the animals. “My father treats and I manage the animals more specifically, as its separation for lambing, sanitation and vaccination”, feeling happy with the success achieved, where it also includes, the mother, sister and wife.

Teixeira Correia


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