Country: Meet the main proposals that PAF coalition sent to PS.

The general secretary of the PS, António Costa, volta a reunir-se, Tuesday, with the leaders of PSD, Pedro Passos Coelho, e do CDS, Paulo Portas, Government to seek a solution following the parliamentary elections.

OVIBEJA- Costa e Gasómetro_800x800This second meeting between the socialist leaders and the PSD / CDS-PP coalition, which will take place in National PS headquarters, in Lisbon, It was communicated by socialist official source after receiving confirmation of marking encounter by social democrats and centrists responsible.

The first meeting between António Costa (File photo Lidador News / Ovibeja) with Pedro Passos Coelho and Paulo Portas was held on Friday, na sede nacional do PSD, also in the capital, and ended without conclusions.

On Monday afternoon, PSD and CDS-PP said they had sent to the Secretary General of the PS, António Costa, a “Document facilitator of a compromise between the coalition Portugal Ahead (PaF) and the Socialist Party for the governance of Portugal“, which was released this Tuesday firsthand by TSF.

Segundo o PSD e o CDS-PP, this document is a follow what was agreed in terms of methodology of work with the PS in the previous meeting between delegations of the three parties.

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