The Covid Medicine Inpatient Service (SIMC), located no Floor 3 Hospital José Joaquim Fernandes (HJJF), in Beja, have now 12 Beds. There 10 boarding schools.
The increase in covid-19 patients in need of admission to the Intensive Care Unit (UCI) took the Local Health Unit of Baixo Alentejo (ULSBA) to increase from 8 to 12 the number of beds in the Covid Medical Inpatient Service (SIMC), located no Floor 3 Hospital José Joaquim Fernandes (HJJF), in Beja. The UCI now has 10 hospitalized patients.
On 10 January as internment in that unit, as 4 level III beds registered full occupancy, ULSBA was forced to double the UCI response capacity. As in the last few days the cases have gone up, this covid-19 sector was reinforced with more 4 Beds, having now 12 not complete.
This panorama led to the reconfiguration of the SIMC's covid-19 infirmary, that earlier this month had 71 Beds, which had an occupancy rate of 88,73%, now relies on 64, now being hospitalized 45 patients. When it was created, the infirmary had 24 beds and an increase in the evolution of the pandemic led to the strengthening of hospital facilities.
The ULSBA board of directors says that the conversion of inpatient beds aims to “meet the needs of the population and increase the offer of intensive care”, justifying that the number of beds “may undergo future adjustments, according to the evolution that may occur ”.
It is recalled that last day 2 Feb., five patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 who were admitted to the Covid Ward of Hospital de Beja, were transferred to the Air Base Reception Center (BA) 11, where are they still. These are patients who need specific support, but without the need for hospitalization and which allows beds to be released in the hospital infected with the disease that require other clinical assistance.
By then, the Hospital José Joaquim Fernandes (HJJF), in Beja, received a patient infected with covid-19 from a hospital in the Local Health Unit in Lisbon and Vale do Tejo (ULSLVT), who was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit, having ULSBA source said that “whenever there is availability and requests arise, we are open to receiving patients from other units ”.
According to the ULSBA report, about your area of ​​medical jurisdiction, corresponding to 24,00 hours yesterday, Friday, beyond the 10 boarding schools at the ICU and 45 at Covid Infirmary, in the thirteen municipalities of the district of Beja, except Odemira, There 880 active cases, a total of 6.175, having in the last 24 hours the registration of only 20 Novos infetados, Besides 1.888 people under active surveillance in your home.
The number of fatalities per covid-19 is 216, and in the municipality of Beja there is a 53 dead, 32 in Moura and Serpa, 31 MĂ©rtola and 21 in Cuba, the overwhelming majority of outbreaks in homes.
February records strong decline in the number of infected.
In the first ten days of February, compared to the same period in January, there was a decrease of 32,1% in the number of infected in the thirteen municipalities in the ULSBA area. He went from 894, to 677 infetados. Looking at active cases on the day 10 January, compared to the day 10 February there is a record of less 217 positive cases of difference. On 10 January were 894 the active cases, one month later 677.
In the municipality of Beja there was a 92,1% of covid-19 cases. Us 10 days of January registered 292 cases and 152 in February.
In the same time periods under analysis, the number of fatalities is also very worrying. Between 1 and 10 January registered 24 deaths and in the same February period occurred 51, in other words, more 27 in the same time period. Since the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020 and even 10 February 2021 there was a total of 212 dead.
Teixeira Correia