Sinks (Serpa): Short circuit or leak gasoline causes fire in three cars.

A short circuit or even a leak of gasoline, They have been the source of a fire that broke out in a passenger car, which later spread to other two cars that burned completely and two dwelling houses.

sinks-incendio_800x800The case occurred on Wednesday night in a street in the center of the village of Pias, Serpa county, having been given to the alert 22,37 hours. It all happened when the car driven by Rui Star, 22 year old, which drove home began to burn.

When the young man realized the flames stopped at the cafe where he had been before now, for help, having also taken a fire extinguisher, but the rapid spread of flames, It did not allow that they be extinct. Rui still managed to open one of the doors of the vehicle and remove the wallet with documents.

As the car stood by the other two cars parked on the street, the flames spread up immediately to the other two vehicles also burned completely.

One of the vehicles, a passenger van, would not be caught was down the street crashing into two dwellings, whose windows and interior draperies were consumed by fire. For precaution, the old woman who lived in one of the houses was removed from it.

Electric and telephone cables also burned, with some homes remained without electricity during that yesterday morning was reset.

In fighting the flames were 18 operating of Serpa and Moura Firefighters and military GNR, supported by seven vehicles. The incident was only given as finalized four hours after the alert.

Teixeira Correia


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