CONTROVERSY: Fire the Beja district, stop carrying patients COVID-19.

Feeling great targets “slight, misinformation and disrespect for the main civil protection agents”, firefighters the Beja district, They took a strong position against entities supervised by the Ministry of Health and National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority (ANEPC).

Feeling isolated and at your own risk, the commanders of 15 fire brigades of the Beja district took a strong position against entities supervised by the Ministry of Health and National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority (ANEPC) and among other measures decided to "refuse any and all transport users / patients related to COVID-19 infection", ensuring only pre-hospital emergency "conditions filed with the INEM".

But the "Soldiers of Peace", They go further in their positions and "decline to mobilize resources from its Health 24", for not recognizing his authority in the sector, "Demanding respect" other partners "not blocking the flow of information related to potential contagion", Remata.

Firefighters call on the authorities who run the Civil Protection Committee that "require the health authorities", all relevant information, namely, "Local listings of addresses of positive cases and isolation" caused by COVID-19.

This strong market position of corporations is sustains in a statement (taken posição_COVID-19) issued by the Beja District Firefighters Association (FBDB), after a meeting on Monday, where they consider that since the beginning of the pandemic phase COVID-19 that public health authorities, Delegates local health, Local unit of the Lower Alentejo Health, SNS24 and INEM "have assumed an attitude of total disregard, misinformation and disrespect for the main civil protection agents, the firemen"

The Document of FBDB points the finger at ANEPC, accusing the district structure of "pure inaction", arguing that in more than a month of pandemic crisis "held a meeting" with the Fire Stations "where our problems and concerns remain unanswered", shoot.

If saving in the words 15 commanders desancam the district structure ANEPC commands by Lieutenant Colonel Victor Cabrita that the "unique contributions" are forwarding sales catalogs of mailing products and equipment "making envy to more accurate marketing strategies of companies", Remata.

The statement of FBDB still embodies the two requirements of the Fire Stations: "Support the acquisition / and or provision of Personal Protective Equipment in sufficient quantities to fulfill our mission and compliance with the guidelines of the DGS, in períoca priority and submit firefighters screening tests ", Remata.

The last position so the fire district of Beja took place on 10 December 2018 (, when they created an Autonomous Internal Command (CAI) who worked and managed the reinforcement extrication means or fire-fighting vehicles, suspending the provision and information to CDOS Beja.

Signed the document Commanders of Beja Fire Stations, Odemira, Moura, Aljustrel, Alvito, Cuba, Ferreira do Alentejo, Mértola, Almodovar, Ourique, Serpa, Canyons, Castro Verde, Vidigueira and Vila Nova Milfontes.

Teixeira Correia


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