Today marks "World Internet Day" which aims to reflect on the potential and challenges of the Internet in the lives of citizens, that despite bringing with it numerous advantages, also brings various dangers associated with its use, being one of the most relevant risks, ace computer jokes, that can seriously affect the security and privacy of its users and that have increased substantially in recent years.
Colonel of the GNR
Master in Law and Security and Homeland Security Auditor
With regard to the dangers of using the Internet, the most common are Phishing and Malware., the former being one of the tactics most used by computer fraudsters to obtain personal information, such as passwords and bank details, whose modus operandi is based on sending fraudulent messages, similar to legitimate, leading people to divulge confidential information without realizing they are being deceived. And the second modus operandi, is sustained by malicious software that infects devices and computer systems, allowing cyber-scammers to gain unauthorized access to user data, resulting in identity theft, loss of personal information and economic damage.
But, although most people are sufficiently informed, about what we just mentioned, why computer scams continue to rise and how computer scammers are so successful?
The answers to these questions can be found in the following justifications:
– social engineering: computer scammers, just like normal scammers, are skilled at using social engineering techniques to manipulate and deceive people, exploiting victims' trust and naivety, impersonating trusted entities or creating convincing stories to obtain personal information or access to computer devices and systems;
– technological sophistication: Computer scammers are constantly improving their technical skills and use advanced technologies to carry out computer scams, including developing sophisticated malware, complex hacking techniques and the use of automated tools to carry out large-scale attacks;
– Anonymous on the Internet: The nature of the Internet allows fraudsters to hide behind pseudonyms and fake IP addresses, making it difficult for the authorities to identify and capture, giving them a sense of impunity, that facilitates the commission of criminal activities without fear of reprisals;
– Take advantage of vulnerabilities: Computer scammers exploit vulnerabilities in computer devices and systems, and even in the way people interact with the Internet, exploiting security flaws, lack of software updates, carelessness in privacy settings and lack of knowledge about safe practices online;
– Globalization and international reach: The global nature of the internet allows cyber fraudsters to operate anywhere in the world and target victims in different countries, hampering international cooperation and effective law enforcement, allowing cyber fraudsters to evade authorities and continue committing computer scams on a massive scale;
– Impunity and low rate of complaints: Oftentimes, victims of computer scams do not report crimes, for believing that the authorities will not achieve results, due to lack of knowledge or shame from social censorship, resulting in a low rate of complaints, which allows cyber fraudsters to continue to act with impunity;
– Growing digital addiction: People's growing dependence on technology and the Internet makes them more susceptible to attacks, with the pandemic period exponentiating this dependence, increasing online transactions during this period, with the consequence of greater sharing of personal and financial information, offering cyber fraudsters a wide range of opportunities to exploit;
– Fast pace of technological evolution: The constant evolution of digital technologies also plays a role in the effectiveness of computer scams. As new technologies are developed, there are also new vulnerabilities that cyber fraudsters can exploit before proper security measures are implemented.
for these reasons, it is easily concluded that only education and awareness can prevent computer scams, all Internet users should be aware of the signs of Phishing, know how to identify secure websites and understand the importance of keeping passwords strong and regularly updated, taking the following measures:
– Reliable and up-to-date antivirus is essential to protect devices against Malware, can help you identify and remove threats, in addition to offering real-time protection features;
– It is important to adopt sound security practices, how to enable two-factor authentication whenever possible, use virtual private networks (VPNs) accessing public Wi-Fi networks and keeping operating systems and apps always up to date;
– Creating strong, unique passwords is one of the first steps to protecting against cyberattacks., must contain a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters. Besides, it is important to avoid using passwords that are obvious or easy to guess;
– It is essential to adopt a cautious posture when interacting online, avoiding clicking on suspicious links, opening unknown email attachments or providing personal information to untrustworthy sources. Verifying the authenticity of a website and avoiding excessive disclosure of personal information are also essential practices for a good use of the Internet..
So, it turns out that cyber fraudsters have been successful in their criminal activities due to a combination of technical skills, social engineering, online anonymity and the exploitation of vulnerabilities caused by the little knowledge that users still have about using the Internet, whose education is essential to prevent and avoid falling into the traps of computer fraudsters.
Text prepared using ChatGPT.