Portel: Bombeiras "bold" in solidarity calendar.

It is the second year that the Voluntary / operational Volunteer Fire Department of Portel (BVP), pose for a calendar.

This year, because the cause is even more solidarity, targeting the victims of the fires in the Central region, show up hands bold and sexy.

"Operating, but sexy women and sensual ", are defined as, women who make pate of the frames of the Humanitarian Association of Voluntary Firemen of Portel, Alentejo, They left shooting more daring poses, aiming to develop a timetable.

The objectives of the initiative undergo raise funds for their association and one in six euros, unit value of each copy on sale in late November, reverts to victims of fires.

Arsénio Grilo, commander of the BVP, He argued that it is "helping those in need. We could not remain indifferent ", He says he is proud of "their beauties".

Teixeira Correia


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