In the municipality of Beja there are 41 polling stations and more than 28 thousand voters. The polling stations will be open between 8 e as 19 hours.
In 12 Unions and Parishes in the municipality of Beja 41 polling stations, where are they registered 28.873 voters. The parishes with the most polling stations and voters are the two Parish Unions in the city of Beja, Santiago Maior and São João Baptista with 12 sections and 11.621 voters and Salvador and Santa Maria da Feira with 10 sections and 8.860 voters.
The total number of registered voters is 10 865 010 voters, the number in the national territory is 9 314 947 and abroad is 1 550 063. Regarding the presidential 2016, there is an increase of 1 208 536 of voters.
Want to know where to vote?
To know where you will vote, can access the page You can access data about your polling station, with the following steps: enter the citizen's card number, the date of birth (year month day) and the code that appears in the table. Then click on search and your data will appear.
The polling stations will be open between 8 e as 19 hours. For vote, just indicate your name and present your citizen's card or other official document that contains a photo.
Beja / Salvador and Santa Maria da Feira (10 sections- 8.860 voters):ções/Mesas de voto - UF Salvador e SM Feira.pdf
Beja / Santiago Maior and São João Baptista (12 sections- 11.621 voters):ções/Edital Definitivo da Assembleia e Secções de voto, locais e horários - UF Santiago Maior e S. João Baptista_.pdf
Albernoa and Trindade (2 sections- 766 voters):ções/Mesas de voto - UF Albernoa e Trindade.pdf
Baleizão (1 sections- 740 voters):ções/Edital Definitivo da Assembleia e Secções de voto, locais e horários - Baleizão.pdf
Beringel (2 sections- 1.124 voters):ções/Mesas de voto - Beringel.pdf
Fat Head (2 voting sections- 1.135 voters):ções/Mesas de voto - Cabeça Gorda.pdf
Our Lady of the Snows (3 voting sections- 1.371 voters):ções/Mesas de voto - NS Neves.pdf
Rescued and Quintos (3 sections- 1.040 voters):ções/Mesas de voto - UF Salvada e Quintos.pdf
Santa Clara de Louredo (1 voting section- 553 voters):ções/Mesas de voto - SC Louredo.pdf
Santa Vitória e Mombeja (2 sections- 750 voters):ções/Mesas de voto - UF S Vitoria e Mombeja.pdf
Matthias (1 voting section- 439 voters):ções/Mesas de voto - S Matias.pdf
Trigaches and São Brissos (2 voting sections- 474 voters):ções/Mesas de voto - UF Trigaches e S Brissos.pdf