PSD: Bejense Maria Graça Carvalho on the “Shadow government” Rui Rio.

Rui Rio decided to integrate in their shadow government six former ministers of Cavaco Silva and executives Barroso. The Bejense Maria da Graça Carvalho, former Minister of Higher Education, science and technology, It was chosen for this folder.

Of 32 elements that make up the National Strategic Council (CEN), oito são independentes. A pasta das finanças, which is in charge of Álvaro Almeida, will share the seat between Porto and Lisbon. Rio went for six former ministers PSD Governments, among them Maria da Graça Carvalho, that integrated the Executive Barroso.

Chaired by former Minister of Education David Justino, which also has under its purview the coordination of the Education folder, Culture, Youth and Sports, CEN will only have three deputies – José Matos Correia, which will coordinate the Internal Security and Civil Protection, Ricardo Batista Leite, to be a spokesman for the Health area, and Christopher North, spokesman for Maritime Affairs. Two other deputies, Antonio Leitao Amaro and Bruno Coimbra, vices will be Justin.

Nine women, of which only four are coordinators and other spokesmen. Between the 16 pastas, Isabel comes Meireles, Rio vice president who takes on European Affairs, Ana Isabel Miranda, to the environment, Energy and Nature, Regina Salvador, with the Maritime Affairs, and Maria da Graça Carvalho, for Higher Education, science and technology.

Rio went for six former ministers PSD Governments: Ângelo Correia, Executive Pinto Balsemão; Arlindo Cunha, Silva Peneda, who were with Cavaco Silva; and yet Luis Filipe Pereira, David Justino and Maria da Graça Carvalho, that integrated the Executive Barroso.

According to the leader of the PSD, who presented this Thursday in the CEN national party headquarters, in Lisbon, the average age is 60 years for engineers and 45 to spokesmen, which – Rio stressed – This is a renewal. The Social-Democratic president pointed out that the CEN will have the responsibility to prepare the future electoral program of the party and may have come to have its first meeting 21 April.

The other areas are divided by some former ministers, Mayors and rookies in political labors. External Relations will fit Tiago Moreira de Sá, Public Finances in the hands of Alvaro Almeida, State Reform, Autonomy and Decentralization are for the mayor Alvaro Amaro, National Defense with Ângelo Correia, the area of ​​Justice, Citizenship and Equality fell to independent Licinio Lopes Martins, José Matos Correia takes the Internal Security and Civil Protection, since the area of ​​Agriculture, Food and Forestry will be coordinated by Arlindo Cunha. After Infrastructure and Territorial Cohesion fit the Falcon and Cunha, the economy, Labor and Innovation will be responsible for Rui da Silva Vineyards – other independent -, Health is with former Minister Luis Filipe Pereira, Solidarity Society and Welfare with Silva Peneda.

The Strategic Council will also unfold at the district level, with an identical format, but that can not come to include some thematic areas in all districts.

Other features of this shadow government is decentralization of certain coordinations. Two are in Oporto: the area of ​​Infrastructure and Solidarity. Aveiro welcome one – the Environment. Agriculture will be crafted from Viseu. And Coimbra receives, such as Port, other two: State Reform and Justice. Public Finances are divided between North and South, as Alvaro Almeida coordinator will be in Porto and spokesman, Joaquim Sarmento, in Lisbon. All other nine areas are in Lisbon.

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