PSP: Seized counterfeit notes from Beja 20 euros.

The District Command Beja PSP (CD Beja), arrested two individuals on suspicion of drug trafficking. One of the suspects was in possession of 6 contrafeitas notes 20 euros.

The two individuals, of 23 and 28 year old, respectively, were detained in Beja, having older in your possession 47 individual doses of hashish and 6 contrafeitas notes 20 euros and the youngest 37 individual doses of hashish and 100 euros in banknotes and coins of the European Central Bank.

The individual, already with criminal record, who had counterfeit banknotes in his possession was arrested last Tuesday as part of an operation by the PSP Criminal Investigation Squadron with the support of the Intervention Squadron. Present the day after an Investigating Judge at the Beja Court, he was decreed as a coercive measure to periodically present to the authorities.

The PSP in Beja also detained 1 person, of 26 years, for the crime of driving a car, without legal authorization for the purpose and another 45 years, for the practice of the crime of disobedience. They have also been identified 2 people, of 20 and 21 years, on suspicion of the consumption of a narcotic product.

Between 11 and 18 February and within the scope of its operational activity, especially dedicated to monitoring compliance with restrictive measures to contain the pandemic COVID-19, CD Beja promoted 20 Police Operations, which resulted in the initiation of the following administrative offenses: 7 for breach of the duty of home collection, without legal justification for the purpose.

As part of the operational activity of CD Beja, 22 Bus Inspection Operations, and in the National Inspection Plan, which account: 228 inspected vehicles, 120 Drivers submitted to blood alcohol test and 22 offenses detected.

In Beja, PSP registered 1 road accident, which only resulted in material damage.

The Weapons Center and Explosives CD Beja, on its premises and in the period under review, proceeded to gather 6 firearms, forfeited to the State.

Teixeira Correia


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