PSP: Beja District Command makes three arrests for offenses and attacks on officers.

Five people were arrested by the Bejas District Command of the PSP, three for aggression and offenses against law enforcement officers that occurred last week.

The District Command of the Public Security Police of Beja, within its powers to prevent and combat the practice of permanent criminal and illicit contraordenacionais, highlights the following:

As part of the investigations carried out by this Police, They were arrested 5 (five) people for the following crimes: 2 arrests for assault crimes, resistance and coercion against police elements, 1 arrest for the crime of slander and defamation of an Authority Agent, 1 arrest for the crime of driving under the influence of alcohol, having accused a BAC of 1,47 g/l e 1 arrest for the crime of drug trafficking, having been seized 5,5 doses of “crack”.

Still within the scope of its competences, the PSP, During the month of September, the “Hermes” operation was carried out, in which they were inspected 40 foreign nationals, no irregularities were detected.

They were handed over to the State 10 (ten) weapons in the Weapons and Explosives Center.

Within the scope of “Lost and Found” he was admitted to the PSP premises in Beja, the following material: 1 Router, 1 suitcase with clothes, 1 Pic indolor – air Therapy e 1 wallet with several documents.

The PSP Beja District Command also reveals that its contacts have undergone changes: BEJA- 284 100 300 and MOURA- 285 036 370

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