The District Command Beja PSP (CD Beja) detained an individual, of 37 year old, driving a vehicle with a blood alcohol content of 2,59 g/l. As part of compliance with the restrictive measures to contain the pandemic COVID-19, 9 people were fined, 3 for participation in a non-legally authorized meeting.
A atuação dos agentes da PSP, de Beja e Moura decorreu no perÃodo entre 5 and 11 March, havendo a destacar os seguintes resultados operacionais, cunco detenções duas pela suspeita da prática do crime de tráfico de produto estupefaciente, dois condução de veÃculo automóvel sob o efeito do álcool e um por furto em estabelecimento comercial. No mesmo perÃodo foram multadas 9 pessoa por incumprimento das normas impostas no âmbito da pandemia de Covid-19, 3 das quais por participar em convÃvio ilegal e 1 por venda de bebidas alcoólicas.
Incumprimentos Covid-19: O CD Beja promoveu 18 Police Operations, which resulted in the initiation of the following administrative offenses: 3 for violation of the duty of home collection, without legal justification for the purpose, 2 pelo consumo de bebidas alcoólicas na via pública, 3 por participação em convÃvio não legalmente autorizado e 1 por venda de bebidas alcoólicas, em estabelecimento comercial não autorizado para o efeito.
arrests: 1 person, of 29 years, pela suspeita da prática do crime de tráfico de produto estupefaciente (with seizure 34 individual doses of hashish), 1 person, of 50 years, by motor vehicle driving under the influence of alcohol, having accused a BAC of 1,77 g/l, 1 person, of 37 years, by motor vehicle driving under the influence of alcohol, having accused a BAC of 2,59 g/l, 1 person, of 19 years, pela suspeita da prática do crime de tráfico de produto estupefaciente, a quem foram apreendidos 6.585 euros, 88 doses de cocaÃna e 126 of hashish, an alarm pistol, transformed, and 8 munitions, gauge 6,35 mm, three knives and two precision scales.
e identificação de 1 person, of 50 years, on suspicion of the crime of theft of practice in commercial establishment, de onde foram levadas, namely, garrafas de vinho, olive oil, higher cost cheeses and other food items had been stolen, causing a loss that should exceed the 1.200 euros.
Inspection operations: 1 Bus Inspection operation, in Beja, using the Radar, which accounted 1452 controlled vehicles, with detection 8 offenses, 22 Bus Inspection Operations, framed in Beja CD Operational Activity and the National Inspection Plan, which accounted: 254 inspected vehicles, 141 Drivers submitted to blood alcohol test and 33 offenses detected
road accidents: Beja and Moura, there have been 4 road accidents, which resulted 1 serious injured, 1 slightly injured, e danos materiais.
preventive actions / awareness and other: The Weapons Center and Explosives CD Beja, on its premises and in the period under review, proceeded to gather 5 firearms, forfeited to the State.