PSP: Minister promoted a degree in superior police officers.

Thirty-five subintendentes and PSP overseers have graduated in the top position, by an order of the Minister of Internal Affairs. The ASPP contest the decision to leave out police with other patents.

To make the decision, Minister of Internal Affairs, Constance Sousa Urban, made use of occupational status with police functions of the Public Security Police (PSP), allowing “the police may be graded in a higher category”, by the Cabinet member responsible for internal administration, the proposal of the National Director PSP, with exceptional character”.

Thirty-five subintendentes and mayors, who hold positions in senior positions, PSP have graduated in the top post, and now stewards and overseers. Among the graduates is the intendant Raul Glory Days, Commander in replacement of the District Command Beja, the subintendente Nuno Poiares, 2No. commander of the District Command Beja, the intendant Luis Moreira, Head of Operational COMETLIS Area, in Lisbon.

Do Not PSP- promotions, Constance Sousa Urban believes that “the exceptional recruitment process is underway”, justifying that “graduated in the top category, for six months, renewable once for the same period, the police officers identified in the attached table, under defined therein”, with the order entered into force on the date of signature, day 16 January 2017.

According to the News Journal (JN), that mediate went public criticizing the situation was the Trade Union Association of Police Professionals (ASPP), demanding explanations from the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAY), with “maximum urgency” justifying that “They were left out hundreds of agents and heads in a similar situation”.

Teixeira Correia


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