radio Kids: A project that was born in November and send via internet.
It called KIDS RADIO and is the first Portuguese radio exclusively for children 0 to 12 years began experimental broadcasts on Friday, day 20 November 2015, a project for migrant children.
The is a radio that emits 24 hours exclusively on the Internet, in Portuguese, for kids, parents and educators living abroad, but also wants to be heard in Portugal and PALOP.
The project seeks to combat the "language of helplessness", that many immigrants face when they come to reside abroad and was awarded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, in the latest issue of the PORTUGUESE ORIGIN MAKE IDEAS contest 2015, a social entrepreneurship competition in the Diaspora,
The rá has continuous emission 24 hours per day, in Portuguese, with music, stories, interviews, hobbies and many kids to have airtime.
We are still in trial, with recorded emission, but broadcasts begin as early as January 2016, with two hours, entre as 14 e as 16 hours. Also in January will start coming regular daily programs.
The has a professional team of media and teachers, apart from some children who will have their own programs, an issue to focus on orality and music in Portuguese.
The project aims to fill a gap in the panorama of the Portuguese language, It is the first radio in Portuguese directly to children, parents and educators in the Diaspora and hopes to be a meeting point and a tool for the migrant children around the world, can practice the language and not lose the connection to Portugal.
We want to draw children, Portuguese parents and educators in Portugal and around the world to participate in this radio is theirs!
The has some partners such as the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the High Commissioner for Migration, the Institute of Child Support and the IES-Institute for Social Entrepreneurship, among others and will encourage children, parents, teachers and communities in the Diaspora to participate as presenters, actors or creators, conducting their own programs.
Some links for reference: