School Ranking (JN): Secondary School Manuel I (Beja) the best in the district.

Consult the ranking of Portuguese secondary and basic schools, published by the Ministry of Education and prepared in accordance with the criteria defined by Jornal de Notícias.

The Jornal de Notícias ranking (JN) is based on five criteria, namely, the results of the first phase of exams for secondary school students who intended to, access Higher Education, with the JN defined as the base criterion for preparing the ranking of secondary schools the grade of the ten subjects with the highest number of exams.

District of Beja are 12 secondary schools, the only private one being the Colégio de Nossa Senhora da Graça, in Vila Nova de Milfontes (Odemira).

153º-Secondary School D. Manuel I, Beja-12.33, 172º-Castro Verde Secondary School-12.23, 207º-Ourique Basic and Secondary School-12.07, 223º-Dr Basic and Secondary School. John Brito Camacho, Almodôvar-11,95, 296º-São Sebastião Basic and Secondary School, Mértola,11,61, 363º- José Gomes Ferreira Basic and Secondary School, Ferreira do Alentejo-11.32, 431º-Aljustrel Secondary School-11.01, 452º-Dr Secondary School. Manuel Candeias Gonçalves, Odemira-10.87, 476º-Diogo de Gouveia Secondary School, Beja-10.79, 544º-Moura Secondary School-10.31, 592º-Secondary School of Serpa-9.73 and 602º-College of Nossa Senhora da Graça, in Vila Nova de Milfontes (Odemira)-9,61.

JN ranking criteria

  1. The ranking of schools is based on the results of the first phase of examinations of Secondary School students who intended to access Higher Education..

    2. The JN defined the grade of the ten subjects with the highest number of exams as a base criterion for preparing the ranking of secondary schools.: Portuguese, Mathematics A, Physics and Chemistry A, Biology and Geology, Geography A, Descriptive Geometry A, Philosophy, Economy A, English and Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences.

    3. exam averages: the classification is obtained from the average of the exam grades for the ten chosen subjects, regardless of the number of students.

    4. Only schools where at least ten exams were taken are considered for the general ranking.. The same happens in the ranking of each discipline..

    5. The 3rd cycle ranking is obtained through the average of the points classifications (0 a 100) of regular school boarding students in the first phase of the Portuguese and Mathematics tests.

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