RI1 / Beja: Flag Oath 2nd Course 2016, Detachment not Tavira.

Will be held the next day 9 April, 11.00am, in Republic Square of Tavira, Common Flag ceremony of the 2nd General Training Course Oath Army Squares 2016 (2CFGCPE16).

Maj.General-Carlos Perestrelo_800x800The ceremony marks the end of the initial phase of military instruction, the basic instruction, given at the headquarters of the Infantry Regiment no. 1, of the Rapid Reaction Brigade, in Beja. In this Ceremony, before the National Banner, the 91 Recruit soldiers from 2CFGCPE16 will swear to defend their homeland, even with the sacrifice of their lives.

It should be noted that it dates back to the year of 1995 the date of realization of the last Flag Oath in Tavira.

The event will be chaired by the Brigade Commander Rapid Reaction, Major General Carlos Alberto Cardoso Grincho Perestrelo (na photos), with the presence of the Mayor of Tavira, and other senior civil entities, military and religious groups in the Algarve region. It is worth mentioning the significant support provided to the Ceremony by the Municipality of Tavira.

The Ceremony will be colored with some traces of homage to the combatants, taking into account the date on which it occurs, Combatant's Day, as well as the fact that they will be awarded, with commemorative medals of campaigns, 26 former colonial war fighters.

They will also be prizes delivered to soldiers-recruits most distinguished in the first stage ending instruction now.

From 1 August 2015 that the Infantry Regiment no. 1 is installed in Beja and Tavira, the Watchtower Headquarters. It will be in these latter facilities that, after the Ceremony, 2CFGCPE16 military personnel will be temporarily installed to start the next phase, instruction, the complementary preparation, lasting about two months.

The 2CFGCPE16 Flag Oath Ceremony and the teaching of part of the instruction in Tavira materialize a recognition of the old and strong ties that unite the military institution to that city and the Algarve, constituting an affirmation of military presence, as well as the certainty of its reinforcement, whenever necessary to the military mission or the needs of the population of that region.

Brief historical review of the military presence in Tavira.

Goes back a long time (Check. XII) the existence of organized military units in the city of Tavira. In 1640 the city was garrisoned by a detachment of one of the two regiments of the Algarve with its origins dating back to 1659, date of the organization of the New Rosary of the Court's garrison.

It was in the reign of D. João V that the Thirds received a new form, in Regiments with the name of the land that was their barracks. Thus the Tavira Infantry Regiment was formed, that by decree of 19 March 1806 received the number 14 and with the Lagos Regiment Nº 2, formed the Algarvian Brigade that was so distinguished in the Peninsular War.

The so-called Atalaia barracks, was built in 1795 by Queen D. Maria I, having been the same purpose built for the Tavira Infantry Regiment.

From September 1939 there the Courses of Militia Sergeants began to be taught. In 1948 started to function as an independent Unit, called the Instructional Center for Infantry Sergeants (CISMI).

CISMI is extinguished, in 1975 the Tavira Detachment of the Faro Infantry Regiment was created. Resulting from the extinction of the Faro Infantry Regiment, It was created in 01 August 1993 the Staff Instruction Center (CIQ).

With the extinction of CIQ, the Permanent Center for the Staff Education Center was created. Since July 1996, is in operation at Quartel da Atalaia, the Military Holiday Center of Tavira (CMFT), intended for squares (RV/RC).

In 01 April 2008 the Quartel da Atalaia received and changed its name to “INFANTRY REGIMENT Nº1â€, to 31 July 2015, date from which the Regiment started to occupy premises in Tavira and Beja, based in this last city.

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