In the days 29 and 30 September and 1 October, the premises of the Sabóia Grinding Factory, inside the municipality of Odemira hosts the colloquium “Águas Gémeas”, which constitutes an activity of the Research Project.
The initiative focuses on water issues, of sustainability and territorial resilience and which is centered on the Mira river basin and the Santa Clara dam.
The “Águas Gémeas” project is based on research into the cultural dimensions, social and environmental issues of water as it presents itself in this territory in conditions of extreme drought and in view of the marked diversity of human contexts that it affects. It aims at new practices in relation to water uses and innovative water management and circularity processes, and takes place within the framework of a partnership between the Municipal Council of Odemira, the B-WaterSmart project and Observa – Environmental Observatory, Territory and Society of the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon.
The opening session, beginning with 14.00 horas do dia 29 of September, has the participation of the Regional Director of Culture of Alentejo, Ana Paula Amendoeira, of the Mayor of Odemira, Helder Warrior, by Sociologist Luísa Schmidt and Anthropologist Pedro Prista, both from the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon.
The program features the presentation and debate of topics such as Water resources in Portugal, Droughts and desertification in southern Portugal, B-WaterSmart: climate adaptation and circularity / smarter challenges and solutions, Climate change and water resources, Other people's water / everyone's water, Local movements around water, among others.
The colloquium has a parallel cultural program, by Miso Music Portugal and three sessions of the “Paraíso” dinner/performance, in a production by Madalena Victorino, Nuno Salvado and guests.