Minimum wage: Agreement allows up to 557 euros in January.
The National Minimum Wage (SMN) up to 557 euros as from January. The agreement on social dialogue includes a discount 1,25 percentage points in the Single Social Tax.
According to the online page of the News Journal (JN), the Government and the social partners reached Thursday a “agreement in principle”: the minimum wage rises to 557 euros in January 2017 and the Single Social Tax (TSU) paid by companies have a discount 1,25 pp.
The agreement was reached at a meeting of Social Dialogue, held in Lisbon.
Currently, the national minimum wage is 530 euros. The commitment of the Government is to reach the 600 euros em 2019, that should be the last year of the legislature, if the electoral calendar usually arises.
According to the third report on the impact of the rise in minimum wage, presented by the Government to the social partners in September this year, next to 21% workers in Portugal (648 thousand), received the national minimum wage.
As for the single social tax (TSU), this is the value that companies and workers cashing monthly for Social Security.
The fee paid by companies falls 1,25 pp, staying in 22,5% (It is currently 23,75%), and the lowering of contributions paid by companies for a consideration employers have more expenses to the minimum wage from next year.
In contrast, workers will continue to discount 11% of your salary.
Faced with criticism by the Left Bloc, PCP e “The Greens” during the bi-weekly debate Thursday, Prime Minister denied, at the end of the parliamentary session, that the Government is violating the political agreements between the forces of parliamentary left to propose a reduction of TSU.
“Is the government program that would propose to the social dialogue, annually, a path of convergence to the minimum wage”, justified António Costa.