Santa Clara-a-Velha (Odemira): 9º Largemouth Bass Festival animates the village on Saturday and Sunday.
On Saturday and Sunday, days 16 and 17 of September, the village of Santa Clara-a-Velha, no interior odemirense, receives the 9th Festival of Black Bass, with cuisine, handicraft, children's entertainment and musical performances.
The aim of the Festival is to promote the region, and to publish the most genuine products from the region, especially the bass, very abundant species in the dam of Santa Clara. Visitors will have the opportunity to taste the bass as the main ingredient, as well as other regional delicacies. The festival grounds, the Parish Council Pavilion, opens at 12.00 hours.
The initiative is the responsibility of the Association "Friends of Santa Clara", with the support of the Municipality of Odemira, Parish Councils of Santa Clara-a-Velha and Luzianes-Gare, GNR and the local population.
For the day 16 September are scheduled performances of Concertinas Sertã (1300 pm and at 15.30), Bats Mira (14h30), Alentejo group "The Cruise" (16h30), People do Alto Mira (18h30), Sons do Mira (20h00) and artist Rebecca (24h00). The night is still excited about the prom by Rui Soares & Wipe. As in previous years, the organization will offer, a partir the 5 in the morning, the traditional "Açorda Alentejo" to turn the energies.
For Sunday, day 17 of September, They are provided for the actions of groups Mira Sounds (12h30), fado with Ângela Pereira (13h30) and "The Saramagos" (14h30). The afternoon will be filled with dance with artist Filipe Romão. The black bass festival ends with the performance of the group of honey Corn Bread (19h30).