Santana da Serra / Ourique: XIX Fair Skills and Flavors, of 24 a 26 May.

The XIX Fair of Knowledge and Flavors stems from 24 a 26 May, Santana da Serra, a parish council of the organization and the Municipality of Ourique.

After the Fair Alentejo Pig and Fair Garvão, It is another opportunity to contact the best of our rural world, who in Santana da Serra has the special influence of the mountain range that marks the territory of the Alentejo with the Algarve.

Santana da Serra will stage traditions, knowledge and flavors and lots of musical entertainment, a time socializing, meetings and reunions cementing its own experience of our communities and their intense relationship, and sustained-wise with the rural.

The musical entertainment has Luís Godinho (22H), on Friday, 24 May; with a parade of Rocieras Sevillanas Group Alcochete (16H), the Choir and Instrumental Alentejo Campos (21h) and Rui Soares& Wipe (22H30) Saturday, 25 May; and the Coral and Instrumental Group ?Charms of Alentejo?(14H30), Group Coral Alentejo Voices(15H30), or Folkloric Rancho Friends of Montenegro(16H), Fado with Pedro Barradas(17H) In Nia e Silva (19H) no Sunday, 26 May.

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