Tried to kill ex-girlfriend and friend with three shotgun shots, at home in Vidigueira. Escaped home in SĂŁo Matias (Beja) and sought suicide.
He went to a home in Vidigueira and tried to kill his ex-girlfriend and a friend with three shotguns at close range and in the back., then he fled to the room, in San Matias (Beja) and ingested a chemical to commit suicide.
He did not succeed in any of his intentions and was arrested by the GNR and will be tried, risking 25 years in prison.
Paulo Duarte, 54 year old, committed the crimes at dawn on 27 February of this year, within the period of serving a suspended sentence of 2 years and 6 months, the crime of domestic violence.
The defendant wanted to make life with “Joana”, fictitious name, relationship that was not matched by the victim, situation that he did not accept and that led him to make death threats. Days before attempted murder, Paulo received a message from “Joana” informing him that he was going to resume the relationship with an old boyfriend, what upset the individual.
Knowing the victim's schedule, home employee “Entardecer Solidário”, located in the Allotment of the Well, in Vidigueira, Paulo Duarte equipped himself with a shotgun and hid among the vegetation of the place. They were 00,20 hours when “Joana” and a colleague left the institution not realizing the presence of the accused. Continuous act was placed behind the two women and made the three shots in the back, leaving them on the ground bleeding and hiding the shotgun among the bushes.
Then he ran away, heading to your room, located at 13 kilometers from the crime scene, where he ingested a chemical for disinfesting animal sites. How she refused to leave, GNR was forced to enter the house, transporting the individual to the Beja Hospital already in a state of unconsciousness.
Paulo Duarte, begins to be tried this Monday in the Criminal Court of Beja before a Collective Court, accusing two crimes of qualified homicide in the attempted form and one of domestic violence.
Teixeira Correia