The Pediatric emergency room and the Birth Center at the Beja hospital will be closed during 24 hours, between 8am on Tuesday and 8am on Wednesday, revealed this Saturday the administration of the Baixo Alentejo Local Health Unit (ULSBA).
In a statement, ULSBA also says that, between 8pm on Wednesday and 8am on Thursday, the adult Medical-Surgical emergency service will only “receive referred patients, duly forwarded by CODU/INEM and SNS 24”.
Closed, between 8am tomorrow (Sunday) and 8 a.m. on Monday, the Moura Basic Emergency Service will also be there.
In cause, according to the administration of the hospital unit, the constraints are caused “by the difficulties in preparing medical scales”, justified.
In the note issued, ULSBA appeals to users who in these days 31 December and 1 January, "whenever possible, patients must resort to primary health care” which operates on an open consultation basis from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm in Beja health centers, Aljustrel. Almodovar, Ferreira do Alentejo, Mértola, Ourique, Serpa and Vidigueira.
It is also reminded that patients “should not resort to the emergency room”, but rather contact the SNS helpline 24, so that they are correctly oriented, second the seriousness of the situation.
As the Beja hospital's Birth Center is closed on New Year's Eve, the call “Baby of the Year” will not be born in Beja.
Novo comunicado da ULSBA
Não sendo possível completar as escalas médicas, e tendo sido a Direção Executiva devidamente informada, a Rede de Urgência/Emergência da ULSBA, funcionará com os seguintes constrangimentos nos próximos dias, verificando-se alteração face à informação por nós enviada no dia 27.12.2024:
- Encerramento do Serviço de Urgência Pediátrica entre as 8h do dia 31 December 2024 e as 8h do dia 1 January 2025, devendo os doentes em idade pediátrica ser orientados para outras unidades (incluindo politraumatizados) ( informação sobreponível à enviada no dia 27.12.24);
- Encerramento do Serviço de Urgência Obstétrica/Ginecológica (nível de contingência 2) entre as 8h do dia 31 December 2024 e as 16h do dia 1 January 2025 (alteração/agravamento face á informação enviada no dia 27.12.2024);
- O Serviço de Urgência Médico-Cirúrgica de Adultos apenas receberá doentes referenciados (forwarded by CODU/INEM, SNS 24 ou outros médicos) nas noites ( entre as 20h e as 8h) days 1,2,3 and 4 January 2025 e das 8h da manha de dia 5 de janeiro às 8h da manhã de dia 6 January 2025) (alteração/agravamento face á informação enviada no dia 27.12.2024);
Teixeira Correia