Social Security / AT: Government approves new program to pay debts.

At yesterday's meeting of the Council of Ministers, approved the PERES program intended to taxpayers who have tax debts or social security.

sec-social_800x800The Special Program for Debt Reduction of the State (PERES), It is applied to those who have tax debts or social security which have not been paid in their normal deadlines (to 31 May 2016 for tax debts and to 31 December 2015 for the debts to Social Security).

Through this program, taxpayers in default may hold, by the end of this year, full payment of the amount due to remission of interest, or adhere to a payment plan to benefits, with a maximum of 11 years and no requirement to provide collateral.

This new extraordinary regularization framework, admitting the possibility of joining a prestacional plan, distinguished from those adopted in recent years by being oriented to taxpayers wishing to regularize their situation even who do not have the financial capacity to meet its debts at once.

The now approved scheme aims to support families whose disposable income does not allow to address the accumulated tax debt and create conditions for the economic viability of the companies that have debts to the State, in view of the recovery of the Portuguese economy, the resumption of investment and job creation.

The measure outlines were explained by the Secretary of State for Fiscal Affairs, Also at the press conference, which according to the Journal News (JN), said that businesses and families that have tax or contributory debts “They may opt for full payment scheme, having forgiveness of interest and the costs associated, or opt for a payment in installments of up to 150 monthly installments, with an interest reduction greater the shorter the payment plan”.

According to Fernando Rocha Andrade, the tax debt grew “about two billion euros” the last three years, there 25 billion in accumulated debt.

In the case of contributory debt, Secretary of State for Social Security, Claudia Joaquim, He said “net debt that can be covered is three billion euros”, but added that companies already have ongoing benefits in payment plans can also be covered by this measure and, “in this case, the debt [recover] will be of greater value”.

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