Social Security: IHR over 213 thousand beneficiaries.

The number of beneficiaries of the Social Integration Income (RSI) down almost 1% between September and October, with less 2.125 people receiving this social benefit, and coming this month 213.481 beneficiaries.

sec-social_800x800According to the latest data from the Social Security Institute, in October were recorded 213.481 SII beneficiaries, less 2.125 than in September, but more 7.924 than in the same month of 2015, representing an increase of 3,85%.

The highest concentration of beneficiaries is registered in the districts of Porto (61.954), Lisbon (36.061) and Setúbal (18.492).

The same trend can be seen at the level of families receiving RSI, there is a decrease between September and October 1,13%, or represents less 1.106 households to benefit from this social benefit.

However, compared to the same period of 2015, there is an increase of 3,14%, which means more 2.930 families entitled to receive RSI.

Also here, the geographical distribution occurs in a similar way, with main focus on Port District (28.440), Lisbon (16.364) and Setúbal (8.327).

With regard to the monthly average values, there was also a decrease, with beneficiaries to lose 0,26 euros and families 0,96 euros.

According to the Strategy and Planning Office (MACHINE), “reducing the average provide (…) pode ser explicada pelo facto de as novas famílias terem acesso a uma prestação com valor mais baixo que a média do stock de beneficiários existente, by receive income slightly above that were allowed until the entry into force of the new rules of granting the benefit”.

On “Summary of statistical information on Social Security”, GEP back to be noted that the RSI has become more comprehensive and more effective as a measure to combat extreme poverty, since the legislative amendments in March 2016.

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